What am I doing wrong here?

Please see my code below, I can only get this scene to work when the conditions on the first line are true, what am I missing? I need this to work when either set of conditions are met.


local t = os.date(‘*t’)
local dayOfWeek = t.wday
away = luup.variable_get(“urn:upnp-org:serviceId:VSwitch1”,“Status”,19)
avg = luup.variable_get(“urn:upnp-org:serviceId:TemperatureSensor1”, “CurrentTemperature”, 49)
outside = luup.variable_get(“urn:upnp-org:serviceId:TemperatureSensor1”, “CurrentTemperature”, 5)

local runScene = false

if (away==“0”) and (t.hour > 7) and (t.hour < 18) and (dayofweek~=7) and (tonumber(avg) > 74) and (tonumber(outside) > 60) then

runScene = true

if (away==“0”) and (t.hour < 7) and (t.hour > 18) and (dayofweek~=7) and (tonumber(avg) > 72) and (tonumber(outside) > 60) then

runScene = true

if (away==“0”) and ((dayofweek==1) or (dayofweek==7)) and (tonumber(avg) > 72) and (tonumber(outside) > 60) then

runScene = true

return runScene

[quote=“resq93, post:1, topic:171584”]if (away==“0”) and (t.hour < 7) and (t.hour > 18) and (dayofweek~=7) and (tonumber(avg) > 72) and (tonumber(outside) > 60) then

runScene = true

If I’m reading this right I don’t think that this section will ever return true. How can t.hour be less than 7 AND greater than 18 at the same time. Were you intending it to be an OR so more like:

if (away==“0”) and ((t.hour < 7) or (t.hour > 18)) and (dayofweek~=7) and (tonumber(avg) > 72) and (tonumber(outside) > 60) then
runScene = true

cubs2b23 is right.

Also I think you should be using “ifelse” for the rest of the if statements. please explain what you have in mind so we can help.


Thanks, that seems to do the trick


This scene turns the A/C when all the conditions on either line are met and the “away” virtual switch is not engaged.

line 1: if its between 0700 and 1800 and the day is not Saturday and the room temp is >74 and the outside temp is >60


line 2: if its between 1800 and 0700 and the day is not saturday and the room temp is >72 and the outside temp is >60

or line 3: if it IS saturday, and the room temp is >72 and outside temp is >60

then run the scene

Could the same not be accomplished with timers? Seems simpler.

looks right now.

another one…

I need help with this line…

if (away=="0") and (t.hour > 7) and (t.hour < 18) and (dayofweek~=7) and (tonumber(outside) > 60) and


((tonumber(avg) <= 74) and (tonumber(DewPoint) < 64))


((tonumber(avg) <= 72) and (tonumber(DewPoint) > 64))


runScene = true

I’d like <= 72 to be the trigger when the dewpoint is > 64 but <=74 to be the trigger when the dewpoint is <64 (in other words, A/C runs longer when dewpoint is high)

can this be done?

looks ok to me. did you try it out?

Yes I tried. Yesterday, the dew point was above 64 yet the AC kept shutting down when the temp hit 74. According to my arguments it should have only shut off at 72


avg represents the indoor temp, correct? Then wouldn’t you want it to be (tonumber(avg) >= 74) and (tonumber(avg) >= 72) so that the scene runs until the indoor temp has come down to either 74 or 72?

Yes, avg is indoor. I want the temp to go below (or equal) to 74 or 72 before it shuts off. Remember, this is a scene that triggers an ‘off’ function. So I think <= is correct.

Should it make a difference whether its ((tonumber(avg) <= 74) and (tonumber(DewPoint) < 64)) or ((tonumber(DewPoint) < 64) and (tonumber(avg) <= 74))?

What behaviour do you want when the dew point is exactly 64? Your code sample only tests for less-than or greater-than.

Will that make a difference? When I was testing, the dew point was 66 yet the AC kept shutting off at 74 instead of running until 72. (If it does make a difference I would say that at 64 I would go with the 74 setting)

I’m pointing out a bug in your code in post #7, not the reason for the behaviour that you report in #9. Sorry I wasn’t clear about that.