Web interface doesn't connect?

I have a Vera 2 in a summer house. It worked great last winter, and I’m getting ready for next winter :(, so I tested it out today, and when I fire up MiOS, log in, and click Dashboard, I get…a long wait followed by an error message entitled “Data not loading?”

The odd thing is, if I go directly to, the device comes up fine, with all my data apparently there. So the device is working OK, but somehow the mios servers don’t know that.

What to do?



I have the same problem. What hardware do you have and what UI are you running?


I have a Vera 2 running 1.1.1245.

I’m in the middle of a discussion with the support folks. Apparently my unit has not reported in for a couple of months, which could explain why I can get to it directly via my LAN but not through the mios website. But it doesn’t explain the Chrome/Firefox issue. Have you learned anything?


Hi Roger

I have just upgraded to 1.5.408 on a Vera 3. I can connect on the local network by ip address and connect through Ivera on a router. But cannot connect by going to cp.mios.com. Strange. It sound like the Dns address is corrupted.

I get a message combining about no network connection.


I heard back from support, who (after I gave them a logon to my system) fixed my problem. The only information I got from them was “There was a missing variable and I managed to fix it, so you should not encounter this issue anymore as long as you have an available Internet connection.” Perhaps you should try a support request.


Hi Roger

Thanks. I did submit a tech support request and had the same experience as you. They were very responsive.


For the record, tech support was very responsive for me as well. I was extremely happy, and pleasantly surprised, at the service I got.