Weatherunderground Plugin

I have a current Weatherunderground PWS(Personal Weather Station) API account will it work with the old plugin

If your API still works, then I think it should. Honestly though, there is little reason to use Wunderground now. If your weather station is compatible with Ambient, they have an API that works with SiteSensor. If you are in the US, the Dark Sky API is really terrific and provides a generous free allowance per day (1000 calls) .

I personally use SiteSensor and hit the new WU API for now. WU gives you access to this if you contribute data via your own weather station. Niharmehta’s suggestions are solid as well…

@tbully are you able to share the the SiteSenor recipe for WeatherUnderground?
(without credentials etc of course) thank you.

Your posting the question 2 years late, I’m surprised the thread was still Open.
I used WU for many years and actually still upload data to it but since IBM took over the API kept changing and they moved to a pay service.
Since then I use “” using site sensor. It tracks good enough for my use (I turn lights on if cloudy / rainy…)
Towards the bottom of the site sensor instructions you can find info on setting the API up.
[SiteSensor - Plugin for Vera Home Automation Controllers | toggledbits].

Archive of various recipes for SiteSensor here: GitHub - toggledbits/SiteSensor-Recipes: Recipes for the SiteSensor plugin

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Thanks rigpapa.

Here’s my recipe if there’s still interest…

    "name": "",
    "author": "",
    "description": "",
    "config": {
        "RequestURL": "",
        "Headers": "Accept-Encoding: gzip",
        "Interval": "120",
        "Timeout": "30",
        "QueryArmed": "0",
        "ResponseType": "json",
        "Trigger": "err",
        "NumExp": "8",
        "FailMasterOnExpressionError": "1",
        "FailChildOnExpressionError": "1",
        "BlankChildOnExpressionError": "0",
        "Expr1": "response.observations[1]",
        "Expr2": "response.observations[1].imperial.temp",
        "Child2": "urn:schemas-micasaverde-com:device:TemperatureSensor:1",
        "Expr3": "response.observations[1].imperial.windSpeed",
        "Child3": "urn:schemas-micasaverde-com:device:GenericSensor:1",
        "Expr4": "response.observations[1].imperial.windGust",
        "Child4": "urn:schemas-micasaverde-com:device:GenericSensor:1",
        "Expr5": "response.observations[1].imperial.precipRate",
        "Child5": "urn:schemas-micasaverde-com:device:GenericSensor:1",
        "Expr6": "response.observations[1].winddir",
        "Child6": "urn:schemas-micasaverde-com:device:GenericSensor:1",
        "Expr8": "response.observations[1].obsTimeUtc"
    "source": "20095",
    "version": "21187.1424"
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