Wayne Dalton thermostat set point reading is way off

When I send a new heat set point to my WDTC-20, it is exactly 27 degrees too high.

It is jumpered for Fahrenheit, and my GUI settings are also, but I have to feed a set point that is 27 degrees lower than what I want.

It isn’t a Celsius issue, as the conversion is wrong.

Any ideas?


I know in the 1.0.616 release, there was a similar issue with the Trane thermostat, but it was only 1 degree off.

No but my recommendation would be to contact them.
They answered my phone call on a Sunday and were very helpful
in sorting out and fixing my problem.

Might need calibrating somehow.

Good luck

Me too… Just upgraded to 979 and now both of mine are also reading +27F… ???

So now I see that it’s not just reading +27F but its actually setting the temp +27F! I am sweltering! :stuck_out_tongue: Caffreyboy, which firmware version are you running?

I am running the latest 1.1.213

Looks like this is a Vera UI issue. I can set the correct temperature via the findvera/mobile smartphone app but when I use the vera UI it goes immediately to +27F. So I have to deduct 27F from my intended set point while using the UI but I can enter the corect temp on my phone. Not very friendly… :-\

Don’t know but I’ve been running .979 for some time with my WD stat and it has been reading right on the mark.

Regarding factory calibration…it is done within ± 1º

You can force an offset to match say, another thermometer in your home but no more than 6º.

The bind button has nothing to do with the temp offset either so that’s out.

@Steve0123 - running .979 as well AND also having a 27º reading? Sure you’re switched to Fahrenheit and not Celsius ? 27º C = 80.6º F.

Just some thoughts.

[quote=“stoney, post:8, topic:165553”]Don’t know but I’ve been running .979 for some time with my WD stat and it has been reading right on the mark.

Regarding factory calibration…it is done within ± 1º

You can force an offset to match say, another thermometer in your home but no more than 6º.

The bind button has nothing to do with the temp offset either so that’s out.

@Steve0123 - running .979 as well AND also having a 27º reading? Sure you’re switched to Fahrenheit and not Celsius ? 27º C = 80.6º F.

Just some thoughts.[/quote]

Thanks for the input, however when I feed a set point of 70 degrees F, the thermostat shows 97F, so I have to give it 43F set point.

It must be in Vera, unless both of our thermostats carry the same error.

I will call Wayne Dalton.

I had mine running fine, reading within a degree or two with 1.0.616. So I know the 'stats are OK. (2 of them acting the same way) Vera adds 27F to the set point. Renders them unusable. This happened all of a sudden when I upgraded to .979, and both are behaving the same. I excluded them and re-included under .979 to same results…

It’s a Vera problem for sure. Looking for some help here… :frowning:

Though you may have already tried this but what about
excluding the stats from Vera then Including them again
as if installing for the first time?

I’d definitely contact (Call) Wayne Dalton as I suggested
early on and if it’s NOT at their end then submit a ticket
to MCV.

I did the re installation without success.

Still reads too high.


I’ll see what Wayne Dalton says.

Has anyone submitted a ticket on this?
I have the same issue…
and agree it’s probably Vera

I have not submitted a ticket yet. I still have this problem. I haven’t had a chance to call WD but the way these are behaving it seems like a Vera issue to me. Thanks,

I called Wayne Dalton and they said that the 'stats seem to be working fine.
They referred me to their home controls group-- They only take email inquiries but as soon as I get any info I will post it here.

Still waiting to hear from WD, but more info: The same thing happens when I set the Cool setpoint. I don’t have AC.

When I send “40” to either tstat It receives “67” as seen on the tstat’s face plate LCD. So Vera is adding 27.

I submitted a trouble ticket to MCV.

Here’s the reply I got from the WD People

"Based on the information provided this is an issue with the MCV software
and suggest that you contact them for assistance.

This issue has not been reported from installations using other brands
of software controllers."

MCV Tech support is working on it now.

More as it develops…

Update: MCV said to try 1.0.988-1. Will try the upgrade this weekend…

I’m using 1.1.228, so it’s a bit confusing.

Are there different concurrent versions running?


as best I understand.

SEE Denix’s correcting in ost below- thanks Denix

the latest 1.0.9xx and 1.1.xxx apparently have ‘the same’ backend. So relatively “concurrent”. But the different versions have slightly different versions of that backend and MCV isn’t exactly clear (to me at least) which version of the backend is in each UI version.

if both UI2 and UI3 have the same issue I’d vote the backend might be faulty for that device. if 1.0.988-1 fixes it than you would need to find what 1.1.xxx has at least that fresh of a backend (so probably wait for the next released 1.1.xxx)