Wayne Dalton and Energy Usage

I have just received my Vera and Wayne Dalton Thermostat. Looks like everything is working fine with the controls (I’m using the WD stand-alone, not connected to my HVAC, to test it with separate power supply).

Two questions:

1/ I have set up scenes that switch between heat and cool, as appropriate, when the temp gets outside of my temp range as I don’t think there’s a way to have the WD unit or Vera choose Heat or Cool automatically - the Auto button doesn’t seem to do anything. Anyone else use this and did you set up scenes for switching Heat/Cool or work around this some other way? Ideally I just want to set the heat and cool set points and let the WD choose.

2/ When the WD is in the Heat or Cool setting Vera thinks it is using energy, all the time. In reality, the WD is only heating or cooling if the temp is outside of the set point. Am I doing this incorrectly? Vera knows the real temperature so should be able to assume the the ED of off even though it’s still in Heat mode. DO I need to change my scenes to turn the unit OFF when it should not be heating or cooling?


Having this combination in actual use - the energy metering simply isn’t workable. The HVAC unit may shut off but the energy is still being measured as used. Auto doesn’t do anything that I’ve seen either. The extent of control that Vera has over the HVAC is to set the temperature points for cooling and heating, and to turn the unit on and off. That’s sufficient for most purposes, but being I’m using 99% of the electricity being measured for air conditioning as will most people, maybe it’s time to drop the energy measurement claims.

Thanks for the reply.

Let me ask how you control the changeover form Heat to Cool? I’ve set 2 scenes that don’t change setpoints - just the heat or cool state; one that switches to heat when it gets below some temp and then to cool when it gets above some temp. Is this what you do or have you found a better way?
