Wall-Mount Dimmer Switch

I’m moving in 2-3 months to a new home where I’m going to use a lot of z-wave devices: lights rollers, a/c…
The method I use now for lights is putting modules behind the regular 220v Gewiss switches like the Fibaro Universal Dimmer.
I wonder if it’s not better to use In-Wall mount switch that will replace the existing Gewiss switches and will add the z-wave control options.
Looking for a good product that will be placed instead of the Gewiss switches, Europe system.
Also cheap as possible :slight_smile: since I’ll need few dozens.


i like the TKB switches as they are a complete replacement for the existing switch and don’t need quite so much room behind. They come as single or double paddle which is good for controlling other devices via association. You can’t use the second paddle as a scene controller (I believe). They come as dimmers or switches.
They ARE NOT instant status.

I got mine as returned items (still perfect condition) at 15 UKP each. I even took the modules off some to mount behind panes for remote controlled items.

Tn’x Slartibartfast
Are you happy with them? I got not so good reviews about it, form a friend and in vesternet

Well I have only had them for twelve months so far but I am happy with them. For example, I use them in the stairwells as two way switches. I use paddle 1 to control the lamp next to the switch, paddle 2 to control one remote switch and a double click on paddle 2 to control another remote switch.
I use a double oaddle dimmer in the lounge to control main lights (paddle 1), plug in socket for table lamp (paddle 2) and another plug in socket (double click paddle 2).
They installed perfectly on a Vera Edge and now on a Plus.
I took the paddles off and used them to control bathroom fans via association.

Just accept that they are not instant status devices so do not update their status instantly so only use in scenes where a short delay is acceptable (eg bathroom fans :)) and you will be fine.

You can mount them either way up and make pressing top as on or off.

The main reason I chose them is their similarity to ordinary switches in operation.