
Can i program Vera to wake Up a client-PC from suspend on a schedule over PXE Boot or through a “Magic packet”? Or a scenario like this:
I have a touchscreen PC in my kitchen. When I enter the kitchen, the lights turn on and the Touchscreen PC wakes up from suspend into my homepage.

How is this possible using Vera.

That’s an interesting use of of Wake-On-Lan, but I would use that.

say, at 3:30 when the kids get off from school, having the computer already going for them.

I have a media center pc attached to our tv. While it never shuts down, I would be good to have a scheduled WOL every morning to it makes sure it is on.

This feature might be nice for some people. Not too much work is required at a script called ether-wake is already available for Linux that does this. It is a tiny little script and dead easy to use:
[url=http://linux.die.net/man/8/ether-wake]http://linux.die.net/man/8/ether-wake[/url] shows you the MAN page. I’m pretty sure it is GPL’d too, so you can use the code without issue.


PS: This is a nice feature, but the computer has to support WOL. Some equipment does not support WOL… it is dependent on the chipset that they are using.

Vera is a regular OpenWRT/Linux box, so you could add a cronjob to do this.