Can i program Vera to wake Up a client-PC from suspend on a schedule over PXE Boot or through a “Magic packet”? Or a scenario like this:
I have a touchscreen PC in my kitchen. When I enter the kitchen, the lights turn on and the Touchscreen PC wakes up from suspend into my homepage.
That’s an interesting use of of Wake-On-Lan, but I would use that.
say, at 3:30 when the kids get off from school, having the computer already going for them.
I have a media center pc attached to our tv. While it never shuts down, I would be good to have a scheduled WOL every morning to it makes sure it is on.
This feature might be nice for some people. Not too much work is required at a script called ether-wake is already available for Linux that does this. It is a tiny little script and dead easy to use:
[url=][/url] shows you the MAN page. I’m pretty sure it is GPL’d too, so you can use the code without issue.
PS: This is a nice feature, but the computer has to support WOL. Some equipment does not support WOL… it is dependent on the chipset that they are using.