"Waiting Initial Data" - port 3480

What is your version number ( check inside J_ALTUI_uimgr.js file and inside L_ALTUI.lua file) to report both version numbers?

[code]Browser footer:
AltUI v2.18.2331

var ALTUI_revision = “$Revision: 2331 $”;

local version = “v2.18”
local SWVERSION = “3.3.1” – “2.2.4”

Using the above AltUI versions on a Vera 3 and using Firefox.

With the ‘:3480’ style URL everything works, except the icons stored on Vera are not accessible.

-- using this URL

-- AltUI trys to source the icons with this style of URL:
-- Putting the same URL into the Firefox browser returns "Connection reset"

With the ‘port_3480’ style URL “Waiting Initial Data” is shown but the icons stored on Vera can now be retrieved successfully.

-- using this URL

-- AltUI sources the icons with this style of URL:
-- Putting the same URL into the Firefox browser returns the icon OK

However the console sometimes shows this:

2018-04-15T01:34:42.530Z: ALTUI v2.18:_getFileContent( D_ZWaveNetwork.xml ) ==> asking content to Vera J_ALTUI_utils.js:2238:4

TypeError: scene is null[Learn More]   Line number:   J_ALTUI_uimgr.js:14872:15

The console mostly shows this:

[code]Line number: jquery.min.js:2:30920

jQuery.Deferred exception: scene is null updateFavoriteScene/map<@http://<my_ip_address>/port_3480/J_ALTUI_uimgr.js:14872:15

Note that I have one only “Favorite scene”.

Note that in Chrome everything works OK

Now on openLuup: this URL all works OK and the local icons all show:


With this URL you get unable to connect:


With openLuup I guess it doesn’t have a /port_3480/ redirect and that :3480 is always used.

With Vera - I’m unsure what is meant to be used these days: /port_3480/ or :3480. I suspect the former.

I know this was directed at @amg0, and I"m unsure of the context of your query, but for openLuup, I do know this:

[quote=“a-lurker, post:1, topic:198990”]Now on openLuup: this URL all works OK and the local icons all show:


With this URL you get unable to connect:


With openLuup I guess it doesn’t have a /port_3480/ redirect and that :3480 is always used.[/quote]

Absolutely correct. The best design decision I ever made (and also the most difficult one) was that openLuup should have its own server for port 3480. The system it runs on doesn’t even need an HTTP server. This has caused a bit of grief for @amg0, because its is different from Vera, and I really, really appreciate the trouble he has gone to to make it work.

With the recent proposed ‘security’ changes, Vera has, curiously, slightly converged with openLuup, abandoning the outdated high-numbered port 49451 and SOAP-style requests, and now plans to use only one HTTP port, actually port 80, but with the /port_3480 prefix .

So in this…

With Vera - I'm unsure what is meant to be used these days: /port_3480/ or :3480. I suspect the former.

…you are quite correct.

HTH, but I leave the AltUI discussion to @amg0!

@akbooer thanks for the further info. I imagine, given the number of platforms openLuup could run on, it could get very difficult having to work with different servers and their configurations. Self contained is best.

Further to my problem. I tried the the two port variations /port_3480 and :3480 on another Vera. It had the same icon accessibility problems but the “Waiting Initial Data” is not showing. This second Vera is very lightly loaded and also has no favorite scenes.

Vera must use the /port notation. Do not use or report issues with the other that would lead to effort working on non issues.

Can you please open chrome console, then do a full browser page refresh and give me the screen outlook and the console log.

Vera must use the /port notation
Now that this is clear to me, does it make sense to modify AltUI, so it won't function at all with a URL containing :3480?

As stated above AltUI works OK with chrome but Firefox fails with /port_3480 URL but noting it works (minus Vera icons) with a :3480 URL. The Firefox console shows this:

[code]2018-04-15T01:34:42.530Z: ALTUI v2.18:_getFileContent( D_ZWaveNetwork.xml ) ==> asking content to Vera J_ALTUI_utils.js:2238:4

TypeError: scene is null[Learn More] Line number: J_ALTUI_uimgr.js:14872:15[/code]

[code]Line number: jquery.min.js:2:30920

jQuery.Deferred exception: scene is null updateFavoriteScene/map<@http://<my_ip_address>/port_3480/J_ALTUI_uimgr.js:14872:15

[quote=“a-lurker, post:5, topic:198990”]

Vera must use the /port notation

Now that this is clear to me, does it make sense to modify AltUI, so it won’t function at all with a URL containing :3480?

As stated above AltUI works OK with chrome but Firefox fails with /port_3480 URL but noting it works (minus Vera icons) with a :3480 URL. The Firefox console shows this:

[code]2018-04-15T01:34:42.530Z: ALTUI v2.18:_getFileContent( D_ZWaveNetwork.xml ) ==> asking content to Vera J_ALTUI_utils.js:2238:4

TypeError: scene is null[Learn More] Line number: J_ALTUI_uimgr.js:14872:15[/code]

[code]Line number: jquery.min.js:2:30920

jQuery.Deferred exception: scene is null updateFavoriteScene/map<@http://<my_ip_address>/port_3480/J_ALTUI_uimgr.js:14872:15

you can try the version on github
or you can delete your localstorage, what happens here is that you have a favorite declared for a scene which has disappeared. it is not a brower specific issue but local storage being by browser you have the issue with one and not the other. I believe clearing local storage will solve it

you can try the version on github
Has this some change that may address this issue?
delete your local storage
Can you please explain what needs to be done to do this?
you have a favorite declared for a scene which has disappeared
This scene is used every day but I will double check it.

[quote=“a-lurker, post:7, topic:198990”]

you can try the version on github
Has this some change that may address this issue?

delete your local storage
Can you please explain what needs to be done to do this?
you have a favorite declared for a scene which has disappeared
This scene is used every day but I will double check it.[/quote]

1/ possibly, at least we would get the latest line numbers in trace to allow me to debug
2/ any JS console, or from ALTUI javascript code : use the command “localStorage.clear()”
3/ maybe my analysis is wrong, we can look at the JS trace again once you have the latest version