Vritual Switch Action can't select on

First time user of PLEG, reading a number of post agree, excellent.

I Have Blue Iris for camera. Set up scenes to select the profile, 7 off, each have varying degrees of motion Alert. Each scene is triggered by a Virtual Switch, which runs an Http command to change the profile. Set the other switches to “Off”, in Homewave I can check which profile is active by showing which switches are Off or On.

I wanted to set a particular “Profile” when three input T1 and T2 and T3 are true. When I selected the VSwitch in the action tab, I could not select “ON”, further reading used PLEG to trigger the scene. In each scene set the VSwitch which triggers the scene to “On”, permitting homewave to correctly report status of BI profiles.

I am not sure if VSwitch can be used in the action tab, or more probably an error on my part.

PLEG can run any ACTION defined by any Vera Device.

Hi Richard tried again

Action add Select Device, click add device
Device added, select On as the action, the Off button remains highlighted. Tried selecting Off then On, On does not highlight.
Click save go out click and go back into actions > control device I tried to add is not there…

Tried the above reload LuuP still failed
Did a ctrl F5

I cannot add a Virtual Switch in the actions

[quote=“johnmcc, post:3, topic:191785”]Hi Richard tried again

Action add Select Device, click add device
Device added, select On as the action, the Off button remains highlighted. Tried selecting Off then On, On does not highlight.
Click save go out click and go back into actions > control device I tried to add is not there…

Tried the above reload LuuP still failed
Did a ctrl F5

I cannot add a Virtual Switch in the actions[/quote]

Sounds like the classic issue that has been going on. Nothing is saving in PLEG.


Hi integlikewhoa have only started using PLEG and VeraPlus. PLEG any other devices I have tried, are adding Ok, so far. Found the forum very helpful. Have manged to set up when I power on Sonos, 10 second delay in PLEG and run a scene with LUA, I found which wakes up Sonos and starts playing


I still think that your problem sounds very much like the issues I have had and many others. If you go into PLEG make chnages and then when you leave and come back they are gone… It didn’t get saved and ofcourse it also wont work. I would try the waiting game and few other things outlined in that link to try and get it to save.

Can you post some screen shots of where your adding the virtual switch and I assume this is a multi-switch right? Maybe s a few pictures can identity if its user error of PLEG issue.

It is a single Virtual Switch, I have made use of these to run Scene. For example I have BlueIris running on WHS 2011, have set scenes to utilising Http commands to switch profile. I run the scene from the Virtual switch

In Homewave selecting Profile 1 operates the V/S to ON and run scene, within the scene the remaining 6 V/S set to off. At a glance in HomeWave I can see which Profile is active

Here is the screen shot as requested

I cannot set the switch to ON

I overcame this by selecting PLEG as the device to run a scene. The scene set the active profile V/S to ON and all the others OFF.
So that HomeWave still reflects BlueIris profile status

Each virtual switch eats up some RAM.

There is a “MultiSwitch” plugin that has 8 virtual switches in one and uses around the same amount of RAM this one plugin. So it’s more efficient.

I don’t have any experience with the multiswitch you would use the advanced button to the left of the “Control” tab. You could then make the advanced set device to “1” for on or “0” for off. You might try using the advanced tab and see if you have better luck then the current control tab.

The control tab is a little bit more user friendly with a graphic, but if that fails the advanced tab has more options anyways. Try that and see where you get.

Thanks for that I shall look at the multiple switch. I have approx 35 Virtual switches. I don’t know how to check amount of available RAM. I’ll do a search

Damn 35… You are way over due for the multi-switch and probley are on your way to End up with RAM issues down the line at some point.

The PLUS has the most RAM of any VERA so atleast you have that going for you but I’m sure you can cut out alot of those switches. I do the same thing with the Profiles on Blueiris but I don’t monitor that status I know mine just works. You can always use the blueiris app to monitor the current profile if needed. But after it gets rolling I would hope you have it working right and shouldn’t need to use it manually with a virtual switch.

Guess Ignorance can be bliss at times. I have have the Blue Iris App, thought for the sake of a unified view would use HomeWave. But I shall take your advice and cut down the number. Thanks for the Heads Up. I don’t use Vera or Homewave to view the camera. Assuming it would consume resources. But I shall have a serious review and take a knife to V/S.
Guess I have been lucky as VeraPlus has been very stable. I shall heed your advice thanks

[quote=“johnmcc, post:11, topic:191785”]Guess Ignorance can be bliss at times. I have have the Blue Iris App, thought for the sake of a unified view would use HomeWave. But I shall take your advice and cut down the number. Thanks for the Heads Up. I don’t use Vera or Homewave to view the camera. Assuming it would consume resources. But I shall have a serious review and take a knife to V/S.
Guess I have been lucky as VeraPlus has been very stable. I shall heed your advice thanks[/quote]

I understand the unified view and I also don’t run cameras threw VERA for that same resouce issue. Homewave is great and they were looking in to or going to add direct camera support (not sure of the current status on that). Imperihome Already does. You can have your unified cameras in that app along with everything else but it goes direct to the Camera IP or in our case we can go direct to Blueiris server IP. And for testing purpose I understand the need to have a physical control of the profiles from homewave, but after you get it dialed in you really shouldn’t need it and can cut them out of vera. If a special case ever pops up you can open the blue-iris app and check or change the profile there. Hopefully that’s not a common occurrence.

What else do you use virtual switches for?

Also make sure you check the thread or PDF manual on the “MultiSwitch” Plugin it has it’s own detailed lil manual with Http commands and all for switching each one. You also can program individual switches for flipping right back off when turned or few other options.

In the main use them on AV denon DVD, same idea when I select sa TV input the switch the other input switches OFF again for indication purposes. I have alredy removed the Profile selection for Blue Iris as per your advise. Will have to aggressively re think my use of V/Switches.

I have spent the last 40 minutes or so trying to find how to check memory usage, with no success. Would be grateful if you could steer me in the correct direction.

integlikewhoa thanks for the advice on MultiSwitch started to reduce my count of V/Switch

No worries did you ever get it to work anyways or just abounded it?

Could not get PLEG to operate V/Switch as an action, unable to select ON. PLEG now calls the scene directly, which is more efficient than my previous approach. I was reliant in many instances on V/Sw to trigger a scene. Between PLEG and the Multi switch so far have halved the number of V/Sw. Should be able to get down into single figures.

Using the Advanced tab in the Action Editor, you would select the SetTarget device action for your VirtualSwitch device and enter a newTargetValue of 1.
Refer to the attached screenshot for illustration.

I use the MultiSwitch Plugin on each of my Vera units which integlikewhoa previously mentioned. Doing so significantly helped the stability of my units with both UI5 and UI7.

BrianLBeaton thanks for that, I was thinking when I add device that you just selected On, as per a scene. So I shall try that approach. With the discussion on the forum has been very helpful to me.