Voice control Veralite- using Tasker, AutoVoice, etc

Been poking around quite a bit to see how to do voice control like that Reddit guy did. I understand Tasker (am a system admin so understand scripting) and AutoVoice but I am failing to see how tasker hooks into the Veralite to send it the commands. I know about AutoHomationHD. The Reddit guy did not have AutoHomationHD in his list of software. I have loaded the list he had onto my S4 (except for home theater/TV stuff)

How do the commands get to the Veralite is the real question? I’m almost there in understanding this but not grasping that part. If I say “turn on living room lights” how does this get to the Vera? ???

For issuing voice commands to Vera, only AutHomationHD is necessary.

Tasker combined with Vera apps on the phone, like AutHomationHD, can take input from an app on the phone and output a task on the phone, like making AutHomation do something. But it’s not a requirement for voice control.

Reddit has a few million “that guys” so I struggled to know which you were talking about. I presume you are reffering to this Reddit post. I’m sure that if you re-read “that Reddit guy’s” Reddit post or look at his Youtube video you’ll see that it lists AuthomationHD as part of his mix. You’d have to ask him exactly how he did it though.

Yes that’s him. His video is all over the Internet, that’s why I figured people know his post at least. I must have been looking somewhere else, there’s another Reddit I saw with no mention of AutoHomationHD. PAYS TO READ THE MANUAL I guess.