Virtual switch Plug-in Android devices problem..


I have virtual switch plug-in install and config to control with all my lights switches in my home. the problem is with apple iOS devices i can see in the Vera official app all
the switches fine and correct but with Android device ( phone , tab…) with the official Vera app install i only see the icon for the device without the switch itself it’s some kind of graphic or plug in error.

does anyone know what is the problem with the plug-in and Android devices or how to fix this…?


This is an issue that will need to be fixed by our Android developers.
Moved this further to the appropriate team.

It would be great if this gets fixed. Search the forums and it’s been an issue for years. Search the Android app reviews and you’ll see the same. It’s long been ignored.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

I’d like to see a general fix here, rather than a specific fix for just VSwitch. It seems that the Android app is sensitive to device type, and pays no attention to category. If it used category as a fallback when the device type isn’t recognized, at least a basic UI could be presented so that there’s SOME functionality, rather than none at all. Apply this to all categories.