Video when triggered

Hi. I’m a fairly new VeraLite owner but have quite a few devices and automation setup. I have two Foscam FI8910W cameras setup and working.

I have to say the setup was incredibly easy. I installed the cameras and the plugin automatically appeared and a few steps later I had it working. Until I upgraded the firmware on the camera, everything was fine but that is resolved now with the appropriate URL settings, as mentioned in another thread.

The sensors connected to the Vera work great. I get notifications and the pictures are accessible via the alerts tab.

I would like to get a video snip when an alarm is triggered. I understand MAC address must be entered on the settings tab. This is a problem because when I do this, the port number won’t stay saved on the ip address setting.

I’ve also read comments about needing the Foscam client app running on a PC but I haven’t found much on that.

I have bought and tried Blue Iris and after a few minutes my network comes to a near-complete halt. Virtually no internet access. I modified some FPS and other settings and things seemed to improve but only delayed the shutdown. It is repeatable. I’ve since found out that ANY app I run as a DVR has the same effect. At this point I’m guessing I need to add a second WiFi network for the camera traffic and then bridge the PC to the main router somehow. It’s really more of a pain than what I want to deal with but if I could just get video clips FTPd along with the images I’d be satisfied. Is there some option I’m missing?

Sorry if this is an obvious topic. I have searched and searched and read and read on this and Foscam’s forums and finally broke down to post this. Appreciate any help.

old post but I just fixed my network issue(s) caused by Blue Iris and wireless cameras
open Blue Iris then Status Camera tab
looked for cameras dropping signal (seemed to be my wireless cameras)
open the camera properties for those cameras (right click the camera name) then video tab then change Frame rate to some setting like 5 fps uncheck Adjust automatically Save
return to status see if FPS has dropped,
(some cameras required “Framerate limiting compatibility mode” to selected also see Blue Iris help for details)

Hope that helps
