Very Strange VERA Behavior Recently

In the past week or so my VERA has done some very strange things.

When I make changes to PLEGs, scenes, device names, parameters and SAVE, the changes are missing after the save. I have to make changes three or four times and only one device at a time before saving and even then the changes may not be saved.

After I SAVE, VERA turns of lights, clears timers, leaves devices in indeterminate states like light showing OFF that are actually ON and vice. Motion sensors are left bypassed and door/window sensors are left armed but show constantly tripped despite the door being closed, etc. But only in some rooms, not all of them but generally the same ones each time

Is this a Vera Lite? Check your available memory. It sounds like you might be at a point where saving the new configuration file exceeds the available space.

Yes, a VERA Lite. The System Monitor plugin shows Memory at 23358 and CPU of 0.44. I’ve since removed the DVR Plugin that I was taesting thinking that might be eating memory and it’s made little if any difference in the SM results.

It seems that that would be quite enough for a save. I don’t know what else to tell you.

Have a look at this. It sounds as though you could be in the same situation.

Thanks, that looks helpful if I can fugue out how to get into Vera directly.

I had moved looking to a USB flash some weeks ago so I don’t think that’s the problem. But it’s always good to know that others have the same problem :slight_smile:

Thanks, that looks helpful if I can fugue out how to get into Vera directly.

Try WinSCP. See attached.

@clippermiami I had the same issue, I could not save any changes … In the end I logged a call with MCV and they remotely connected to my unit and fixed it. Not sure exactly what they did but they had to remove some files from somewhere…

Either way logging a call should get this fixed… (Link to my post on the same matter),17525.msg137848.html#msg137848

[quote=“parkerc, post:8, topic:178905”]@clippermiami I had the same issue, I could not save any changes … In the end I logged a call with MCV and they remotely connected to my unit and fixed it. Not sure exactly what they did but they had to remove some files from somewhere…

Either way logging a call should get this fixed… (Link to my post on the same matter),17525.msg137848.html#msg137848[/quote]

Thanks, good suggestion, i had run out of ideas. I’ve done as you suggest and lets see what happens
