Very Odd problem developing with Vera Plus

One of my Vera Plus units is exhibiting very odd symptoms. Last night the unit apparently crashed and was left with only the Power LED On. I power cycled it but it didn’t recover. I removed power and left it for 10 minutes and when I powered it on it appears to have recovered normally, all LEDs on.

This is the third time this has occurred with this Vera Plus in the past month. I’ve requested Tech Support poke around but I don’t have much hope.

Naturally when this happens the PLEG based schedules get messed up, some of them are fine, others are on the alternate cycle (Day vs Night, Regular Hours vs Evening Hours, etc)

This suggests a hardware issue. A component cools or a capacitor drains… I’s suggest trying another power supply. It’s not uncommon with wall warts to start failing with reduced output when they get hot(normal operating temperature).

Naturally when this happens the PLEG based schedules get messed up, some of them are fine, others are on the alternate cycle (Day vs Night, Regular Hours vs Evening Hours, etc)
It seems very odd for PLEG to to do this. Are you sure that Vera's clock is correct? Check it with ssh and the date command, remember that the browser clock is showing you local PC's time.

This suggests a hardware issue. A component cools or a capacitor drains… I’s suggest trying another power supply. It’s not uncommon with wall warts to start failing with reduced output when they get hot(normal operating temperature).

Naturally when this happens the PLEG based schedules get messed up, some of them are fine, others are on the alternate cycle (Day vs Night, Regular Hours vs Evening Hours, etc)
It seems very odd for PLEG to to do this. Are you sure that Vera's clock is correct? Check it with ssh and the date command, remember that the browser clock is showing you local PC's time.[/quote]

Z-Waver. Excellent idea about the power, hadn’t thought of the wall-wart. I’ll swap it today.

As to the PLEG schedules it happens to me quite often, on my Vera Plus and earlier on my Vera 3. Some schedule or other gets trampled and ends up on the wrong cycle. Not all of them, and not every time, but often enough that after an unplanned shutdown I have to check all the schedules and I invariably find one that’s on the opposite cycle from where it should be.

