Version 1.7.1320

Since my upgrade, I have devices dropping off, Nice , simple Jasco devices for the most part. I can’t heal anymore. One device came back after 5 minutes, others have to be unpaired, and re-included, which changes my device numbers. Fibaro motion dropped off, then came back . Mailbox gets random alerts, then device unavailable message. This impacts my PLEG and conditions, as PLEG will remove invalid triggers (which will be the case if I re-include with a different device number) . Highly frustrating.

Has anyone found a fix without unpairing, and re-adding since this firmware update ?


The best fix was to downgrade back…


Did you have a similar experience, since you downgraded, did your problems stop? it is almost as if the signal strength on on zwave plus devices has been weakened.

Do you recall the steps you took to downgrade?


Yes, all problems were resolved after the firmware downgrade. To me, it does not look like a zwave range problem. More likely that the network has a new heal which is constantly running and bogging down the system.

As for the downgrade, I just copied and pasted the link to 7.0.9 provided by the corresponding release note and pasted it into the manual firmware upload section in the vera. I typically do not keep my configuration and just recover a backup config from there on.

I followed your lead, and it all looks good again. Thanks for the help!