Version 1.0.979 - Is there information on the new features?

Does anyone have information on what the upgrade offers?

Thank you


Edit: Nevermind. Trying it now, will let you know how it goes.


I used to have lots of problems :-X with version 863 and had to revert to 616 to make it usable.

Now that I upgraded to version 979 all my devices and scenes works as a charm!

Thanks to Vera for having fixed my problems ;D


The official announcement has a hyperlinc to the release notes: [url=][/url]

It keeps on asking me to refresh my cache, even though I did it.

You have upgraded Vera, but your browser has cached an old version of the site.Please tell your web browser to reload the page. This is usually done by pressing Ctrl+F5 or choosing Reload from the menu.

My upgrade bricked the unit, had to recover the firmware.
I went back to 950…

Worked great here, and X10 finally works! yay!!!

Oh, got to check the IR stuff again…

I would say I got some things working that I could not get to work before. Settings are saving now and some were not before.

Every time I Try to do something It reverts to the screen that says I need to refresh my browser because it’s cached. It’s very counterproductive to have to start over every 10 min.

@MCV, nice touch with Release Notes! Thanks!

Yes, thank you MCV!

Can’t wait to FINALLY start trying the X10 / Insteon features … must now get working USB-to-serial (RS232) cable, as per MCV instructions, for my Insteon PLM to join the setup.

Wow, the ADVANCED > SECTIONS > Floorplan “feature” is back (and still contains my original floorplan graphic, without any “device” markers) in 979. Welcome back, old friend.

I don’t know when it got there, but now I can trigger scenes via my Schlage lock by “Any Code”. Now, to turn on the garden fountain for everybody who enters, I don’t need to make a separate scene for each user code. Nice.

@LibraSun, how does it work? Can you have devices placed on the floorplan? Can you control them from there?