version 1.0.487 release candidate 2 is out

I moved this thread from the ‘official announcements’:

325xi: Hmm… Method #2… HA07 has Off button for each scene. If method 2 is activated, will those Off buttons act as usual, i.e. turn off the relevant devices? I’m somewhat concerned that Vera cannot recognize which of Off buttons is pressed…

zmistro: I was looking at the list of hand held controllers. You should add the Jasco Advanced to the list as it is a pretty good incluision remote and is pretty fast too.

jgc94131: The upgrade completed but displayed the message that it had failed to load my
config data and to use the backup. I did and all seems OK. I have my Vera setup
with one ethernet cable in the WAN jack connected to my house LAN and Firewall
and WiFi both off.

After the upgrade to 1.0.487, several pages were using UI elements from
the previous release leading to broken image icons. It looks like the browser
cache is not getting flushed completely on upgrade.

When trying to configure scenes I noticed the following:

  1. When I have a scene that is non-Global, although I can configure actions for devices in other “rooms”, those actions don’t get run. UI should reflect this restriction.

  2. I have a Leviton 4 scene controller. I had set a scene on button 1 using the Leviton default method (called method #1 on the page ZWave_Add_Controller). It worked fine this way. I wanted to try and use Vera to control this device. From the UI perspective it looks like I could just configure the device using the “Custom Z-Wave Settings” button and set the scenes for each button.
    Once I pressed the “configure node right now” button, Vera seemed to wipe out what I had stored in the 4 button controller using method #1 previously.
    On the “Custom Z-Wave Settings” page I’m presented with a choice of buttons and a scene dropdown menu. “Global” scenes are missing from this menu.
    Once I add an event to a scene, I can never delete the event.
    No matter what I do, I can not get the buttons on the Leviton 4 scene controller to trigger the scenes.

wseverino: 325 - The way it works on my Leviton Scene controller is when a scene is activated it’s button 1, when it’s deactivated it’s button 0. So what I did was set up a scene for each of button press. It works like a champ.

I'm somewhat concerned that Vera cannot recognize which of Off buttons is pressed...

The Z-Wave spec doesn’t allow handheld scene buttons to do advanced stuff. All you do is program a set ‘BASIC_SET’ commands to the buttons, and there’s only one parameter: Level. So it doesn’t work for thermostats, arming sensors, etc.; just for dimming lights. That’s the way every Z-Wave gateway on the market works. Nobody extends the functionality except us. We ‘trick’ the handheld remote to extend the functionality so you can do anything with the button (lock a door, turn the thermostat on cool, etc.). But the ‘scene off’ isn’t an official Z-Wave command. The handheld remote just broadcasts a ‘basic_off’ to all associated devices. So it’s impossible to know which button did it. If you want the ‘off’ to work, you can use Method #1. Method #2 is a Vera-specific trick.

although I can configure actions for devices in other "rooms", those actions don't get run. UI should reflect this restriction.

That’s not right; there should not be such a restriction. Can you contact our tech support and let us look at what’s going on? Or, create the scene that controls different devices in different rooms. Go to Advanced, Logs, check Verbose logging. Then go to the dashboard and run your scene. Assuming it doesn’t control all the devices you specify, go to Advanced, Tech support and submit a trouble ticket. Then post the ticket id # as a reply to this thread and I’ll tell you why the devices aren’t working.

re: the Leviton 4 scene controller, please contact our tech support when you have a few minutes to work with us on this. We’ll get it working for you right away.

Missing Cogs

In chatting briefly with tech support yesterday I was asked, “What color is the cog next
to the device”? I don’t (and never have) seen any cogs when viewing the devices page.
I use Firefox 3.0.5 and Safari 3.2.1 on Mac OS X 10.5.6. Screen shots provided, along with
firebug output.

Click on Advanced, Logs. Be sure the ‘show polling activity’ box is checked (it’s checked by default).

Micasaverde mentioned that 487 rc2 has a preliminary uPnP engine, is there any info at all about this subject? What are the plans for uPnP? etc…

We’ll put it all in a wiki page when it’s complete. Right now Vera is running a UPNP server that announces itself, but doesn’t support any services yet.