VeraPlus v 4.00.17EVL everything resetting (Zones/Labels/User Codes)

Evening, I posted this is the plug-in form but thought better to create new topic. I just installed everything, and when I try to update Zone Labels, Set Labels, or manually enter them in the Plug-in, everything resets after a short while. Even the Codes that I setup for Installer and Master. Very frustrating. Am i missing something very basic???

@cybrmage any assistance or thoughts?

The plugin won’t read the panels nor will it save the information.

Yes… You are missing all the other posts on the forum that indicate that the issue with data not saving are a UI7 firmware issue… Something changed in the firmware that broke a lot of plugins, especially with the VeraPlus…

Without having a VeraPlus to test on, I have, until now, been unable to replicate the problem…

Testing on a fresh - new, just provisioned, no other devices added - VeraPlus, I was able to duplicate the data not saving issue, and determined what needed to change to resolve it… I also found a bug in the “set labels” function and fixed it…

I found no issues with reading the panel and getting the plugin operational - the save data bug only affects the browser UI…

The updated version is posted in the LATEST VERSION thread

Thank you Cybrmage. I honestly did try and read many of the pages and posts over few days and must have missed it.

I updated the Plug-in and now it works! Thanks again!

One question I did have for you or the other folks… I have a flood/water sensor hardwired to my Vista20p. How should that appear in the Zone labels? I tried to set it as LeakSensor but got the following error: GET_LANG(system_error,System error) :Device: 55. Fail to load implementation file D_TempLeaksensor1.xml
Should it be set as “GLASS BREAK”?

I can’t reproduce the error here… With the sensor set to “Temp/Leak”, please turn on debug mode in the plugin, reload the LuaUPnP engine and post the log from the beginning of the LuaUPnP engine startup…

So don’t kill me… how do I tell the start of the log file? It looks like it’s pages long. Here is clip of where the error seemed to be, but I’m assuming you’ll need more information thought.

[code]09 04/02/16 10:11:08.855 UserData::ParseRooms 1 House <0x77dbb000>
09 04/02/16 10:11:08.855 UserData::ParseRooms 2 Foyer <0x77dbb000>
09 04/02/16 10:11:08.855 UserData::ParseRooms 3 Garage <0x77dbb000>
09 04/02/16 10:11:08.856 UserData::ParseRooms 4 Basement <0x77dbb000>
09 04/02/16 10:11:08.856 UserData::ParseRooms 5 Hallway <0x77dbb000>
09 04/02/16 10:11:08.856 UserData::ParseRooms 6 Dining Room <0x77dbb000>
09 04/02/16 10:11:08.856 UserData::ParseRooms 7 Kitchen <0x77dbb000>
09 04/02/16 10:11:08.856 UserData::ParseRooms 8 Den <0x77dbb000>
09 04/02/16 10:11:08.857 UserData::ParseRooms 9 Bathroom Downstairs <0x77dbb000>
09 04/02/16 10:11:08.857 UserData::ParseRooms 10 Laundry <0x77dbb000>
03 04/02/16 10:11:08.867 UserData::LoadUserData BuildVersion: 1.7.1786 SvnVersion: 16342 Model: 36 Sercomm G450 flush: 0 changed: 0 resync: 10062 syncdevice:0 <0x77dbb000>
01 04/02/16 10:11:08.910 Device_LuaUPnP::LoadDeviceDoc can’t load /etc/cmh-lu//D_TempLeaksensor1.xml <0x77dbb000>
02 04/02/16 10:11:08.910 JobHandler_LuaUPnP::m_sMissingFile_set /etc/cmh-lu//D_TempLeaksensor1.xml <0x77dbb000>
01 04/02/16 10:11:08.910 JobHandler_LuaUPnP::CreateDevice_LuaUPnP failed to load 58/D_TempLeaksensor1.xml so device 58 is offline <0x77dbb000>
02 04/02/16 10:11:08.927 Device_LuaUPnP::CreateServices device 4 doesn’t have interface, using topmost device interface <0x77dbb000>
02 04/02/16 10:11:08.991 Device_LuaUPnP::CreateServices device 32 doesn’t have interface, using topmost device interface <0x77dbb000>
02 04/02/16 10:11:09.000 Device_LuaUPnP::CreateServices device 33 doesn’t have interface, using topmost device interface <0x77dbb000>
02 04/02/16 10:11:09.006 Device_LuaUPnP::CreateServices device 34 doesn’t have interface, using topmost device interface <0x77dbb000>

09 04/02/16 10:11:13.448 JobHandler_LuaUPnP::Run device 1 ZWave room 0 type urn:schemas-micasaverde-com:device:ZWaveNetwork:1 cat 19:0 id parent 0/0xd5de70 upnp: 0 plugin:0 pnp:0 mac: ip: <0x77dbb000>
09 04/02/16 10:11:13.449 JobHandler_LuaUPnP::Run scene 4 front door light sunrise room 2 <0x77dbb000>
09 04/02/16 10:11:13.449 JobHandler_LuaUPnP::Run scene 3 front door light sunset room 2 <0x77dbb000>
03 04/02/16 10:11:13.455 JobHandler_LuaUPnP::Run ready 24 devices oem:1 skin:1-mios installation 50002500 missing /etc/cmh-lu//D_TempLeaksensor1.xml version 1.7.1786 allow_evt: 1 allow_ud: 1 upnp 1 netpnp: 1 reprovision: 0 secure: 0 tz:18000 tnow:1459606273 dst: 1 gmt:-14400 tz:EST / EDT fahr:1 changed: 0 pMem 0x1405000 start 13930496 diff: 7061504 <0x77dbb000>
02 04/02/16 10:11:13.749 UserData::AddDownTime array size 100 <0x77dbb000>
02 04/02/16 10:11:13.750 UserData::AddDownTime array full, clearing oldest element <0x77dbb000>
01 04/02/16 10:11:15.622 FileUtils::ReadURL 0/resp:404 user: pass: size 87 response: ERROR:Invalid request, allowed:device/x/localdevices, device/x/name, device/x/ergyconf <0x773e4520>
01 04/02/16 10:11:17.040 FileUtils::ReadURL 0/resp:404 user: pass: size 87 response: ERROR:Invalid request, allowed:device/x/localdevices, device/x/name, device/x/ergyconf <0x773e4520>
02 04/02/16 10:11:17.041 RAServerSync::SyncPluginsMMS alt 0 response 404 url with 10300 bytes <0x773e4520>
01 04/02/16 10:11:17.041 RAServerSync::SyncPluginsMMS failed <0x773e4520>
02 04/02/16 10:11:17.127 luup_log:31: (EVL3VistaAlarmPanel::EVL3VistaStartup): Honeywell/Ademco Vista Alarm Panel with EVL interface Plugin version 4.00.20 EVL - isDisabled = ‘0’ <0x773e4520>

50 04/02/16 10:11:17.786 luup_log:31: (EVL3VistaAlarmPanel::appendZones) added zone #5: DOOR sensor with address [] and channel [], named [GARAGE DOOR] in partition #1 type [Wired]. <0x73db6520>
50 04/02/16 10:11:17.786 luup_log:31: (EVL3VistaAlarmPanel::appendZones) Appending zone #6: partition [1] address [] channel [] name [BOILER SENSOR] sensor [2] <0x73db6520>
50 04/02/16 10:11:17.787 luup_log:31: (EVL3VistaAlarmPanel::appendZones) parsed zone #6: TEMPLEAK sensor with address [] and channel [], named [BOILER SENSOR] in partition #1 <0x73db6520>
50 04/02/16 10:11:17.788 luup_log:31: (EVL3VistaAlarmPanel::findVeraDeviceForZone) Found device #58 for zone #6. <0x73db6520>
50 04/02/16 10:11:17.789 luup_log:31: (EVL3VistaAlarmPanel::appendZones) added zone #6: TEMPLEAK sensor with address [] and channel [], named [BOILER SENSOR] in partition #1 type [Wired]. <0x73db6520>
50 04/02/16 10:11:17.789 luup_log:31: (EVL3VistaAlarmPanel::appendZones) Appending zone #9: partition [1] address [0759215] channel [2] name [FRONT DOOR] sensor [1] <0x73db6520>
50 04/02/16 10:11:17.789 luup_log:31: (EVL3VistaAlarmPanel::appendZones) parsed zone #9: DOOR sensor with address [0759215] and channel [2], named [FRONT DOOR] in partition #1 <0x73db6520>[/code]

There is a line in the log announcing the start of the LuaUPnP logging process…

LuaUPNP: starting bLogUPnP

That’s enough… There was a typo in the device file name…

fix attached