VeraLite without cloud access

I?d like to be able to configure my Vera controller to be independent of the cloud while controlling my zwave devices. How can I set it up? I?d like to be able to operate the network even if internet does down?..Is it even possible?

Vera will continue to operate and be accessible from the LAN if the internet goes down.

If you wish to permanently disconnect Vera from the internet, you will eliminate the possibility of remote access, leaving LAN access as the only method. You will also have to take some additional steps, such as installing the NTP client and providing a time server so that Vera’s clock(or lack there of) can be maintained. There are many forum posts about how to accomplish this.

If you wish to allow internet access for clock and your own remote access via VPN, while disconnecting Vera from their cloud servers, it is a simple process that is also described in forum posts and the Wiki.

[quote=“Z-Waver”]Vera will continue to operate and be accessible from the LAN if the internet goes down.

If you wish to permanently disconnect Vera from the internet, you will eliminate the possibility of remote access, leaving LAN access as the only method. You will also have to take some additional steps, such as installing the NTP client and providing a time server so that Vera’s clock(or lack there of) can be maintained. There are many forum posts about how to accomplish this.

If you wish to allow internet access for clock and your own remote access via VPN, while disconnecting Vera from their cloud servers, it is a simple process that is also described in forum posts and the Wiki.[/quote]

Dount vera 3 openwrt webadmin Gui haw ntp settings if i remember korrekt

Skickat fr?n min GT-I9300 med Tapatalk 4

[quote=“Z-Waver, post:2, topic:178878”]…

If you wish to allow internet access for clock and your own remote access via VPN, while disconnecting Vera from their cloud servers, it is a simple process that is also described in forum posts and the Wiki.[/quote]

Could you please give me an idea where on forum or Wiki the information is?

Vera utilizes openWRT at its core, however it does not include an openWRT GUI nor an NTP client.

This URL disconnects Vera from the Micasaverde servers and disables remote access.

You may further wish to configure your firewall to block outbound access.

Installing the NTP client
Vera Documentation
Vera support articles, FAQs, and more.
How to Wiki

Thank you.

Vera utilizes openWRT at its core, however it does not include an openWRT GUI nor an NTP client.

This URL disconnects Vera from the Micasaverde servers and disables remote access.

You may further wish to configure your firewall to block outbound access.

Installing the NTP client
Vera Documentation
Vera support articles, FAQs, and more.
How to Wiki[/quote]

http://veraip/cgi-bin/webif/ login White ssh root info

Skickat fr?n min GT-I9300 med Tapatalk 4

Is the vera product the only z-wave hub that can be operated locally without cloud servers? That will be the big plus in deciding to buy it over the others.

I have looked at the smarthing, iris, connect, revolv and cannot determine of they can be accessed locally.

I see the isy994 can be operated locally but the z-wave radio is still in beta.

I will use the cloud service and its benefits but I just want to know that I can also control it locally if the cloud becomes unavailable.

Vera works locally. As for whether or not others work locally, you would be better served to ask them directly. There must be some others, but Homeseer is the only one that comes to my mind.

Thank you. Yes I will continue to do my research, I was just hoping if someone else here already knows the answer, that they could share it. Some products have no support forum that I can find.

Getting back to the Vera products, it seems from what I read above one makes a conscious decision to switch over to local control and you have to take a few steps to do that. So can I assume it is not a situation where you can log into the cloud site, say from work, then come home and log in locally, and go back and forth easily, that it is best left one or the other?

No, this is not accurate. By default Vera provides both local and remote(cloud) access. By default, you can easily login remotely using a browser from work or your smartphone app and then return home and login locally using a browser or a smartphone app.

Special steps must be taken to eliminate remote access by preventing Vera from connecting to Micasaverde’s remote(cloud) servers.

Local access always works.

ok thanks