Veralite upgraded UI & Homewave Not Connecting WAN

I had my Homewave working fine with Veralite UI5 then upgraded to UI6 and also changed the router connected to Veralite.

Homewave still connects when I’m on my wireless connection at home, but away from home it no longer connects from a cellular connection on my iPad.

Did I need to port forward something or change Homewave settings?

[quote=“AlexVirginia, post:1, topic:185473”]I had my Homewave working fine with Veralite UI5 then upgraded to UI6 and also changed the router connected to Veralite.

Homewave still connects when I’m on my wireless connection at home, but away from home it no longer connects from a cellular connection on my iPad.

Did I need to port forward something or change Homewave settings?[/quote]

ui6 and ui7 use different servers to connect to your VERA. Have you noticed you no longer login at but not

All apps (not just homewave) need to know if your on ui5 or ui6/ui7 so they can connect to the new servers.

OK thanks, so does anyone know any setting changes in Homewave I need to make to get it to work on UI7 now?

I have the UI5 selection in the ON position in Homewave and that works on my wireless home network even though I’m on UI7. When I deselect UI5 on Homewave it gives me a gateway error saying that my password is wrong.

[quote=“AlexVirginia, post:3, topic:185473”]OK thanks, so does anyone know any setting changes in Homewave I need to make to get it to work on UI7 now?

I have the UI5 selection in the ON position in Homewave and that works on my wireless home network even though I’m on UI7. When I deselect UI5 on Homewave it gives me a gateway error saying that my password is wrong.[/quote]

Well that’s your first problem. You need to turn off ui5 as your not on ui5. If you don’t then homewave keeps tring to connect via old server that you vera is no longer using.
2nd, have you created a new login when you upgraded to UI6 or UI7 at the new server homepage
3rd, Does the login info inserted into Homewave match that of the webpage I just sent you?

Thanks, it worked. Was just on the brink of doing a factory reset on Veralite and starting from scratch, so it’s a big relief to have made it work correctly with that registration fix. Thanks again, and I greatly appreciate it! :slight_smile: