Veralite migration UI5 to UI7

I did this migration today after seeing on this forum that all my applications should be supported (except for ErGY plugin)

The migration steps was very easy to do through micasaverde site.


  • the ERGY plugin uninstall give me an error.
  • The DSC Alarm plugin don’t work with the Envisalink. Status : can’t detect device
  • I try to uninstall the DSC Alarm an I got an error…

Always the same error message : error uninstalling app, please try again…

Tough day !!!

What is the best way to restore to UI5 without loosing my config ?

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The user interface is very nice but this version is not stable.

Also, it seems to have a infinite loop at initialization. After login, the same error messages come constantly on the blue banner at the top… And the login process don’t seems to finish correctly because I don’t have access to my backup… It ask for a login each time ! :frowning:

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Try wiping your browsers cache. I had pretty much the same issue, and that fixed it for me.