I’ve been using my veralite for a couple of days now and adding modules everyday. I noticed that when I goon battery power, add a lighting device, and then plug it back in (to ac power and network), that all my devices are in " no room and I have to go in to each ones setting and change them to the appropriate room. Any way to fix this?
I’m using UI5 and it is updated. Thanks in advance!
Found the same thing myself, though I’m not certain it happens every time. The loss of room assignments itself isn’t such a big deal to me, but last time it happened, I also found my two scene controllers had completely random scenes assigned to their buttons - much more of a nuisance. Just sent in a bug report (well, tech support email) the other day…
Oh well, to some extent it’s reassuring that several of us see this - probably makes it easier for them to reproduce and fix it. I got a reply to my bug report that they are aware of the issue and working on it.
The loss of room assignment, it occured to me too one time. And it could be after switching to batterie mode.
I need to do it again today, I will say to you if it happens again.
Same here. I’m feeling the urge to throw this thing out of a window.
Not only do all devices lose their room association, my “Rooms” get all messed up too. For example, instead of a pre-battery use room list of:
But wait, the fun doesn’t stop there :-
Now my scene numbers are all offset by -3 or -4. So when using my Demopad app for the iPad, any programming that references a scene, i.e. “Scene 5”, is now actually running scene 8 or 9. I have 35+ scenes just for controlling a Panasonic BD player, not to mention all my other scenes. So every time this happens, I have to modify a ridiculous amount of scene labels and Demopad programming.
This has happened EVERY time I added a device, and both times I’ve upgraded the firmware.
I have better things to do than spend hours repairing the damage this thing does.
I used the battery mode last Synday (one week ago) to include a new Fibaro device and I did not notice this problem. I am using the last Beta firmware.
If you are using the Beta firmware, I think you should copy your message in the good topic because MCV follows it. If this bug is still present in the current version, this is a major one to correct. http://forum.micasaverde.com/index.php/topic,9970.0.html
Is there a place to track when the new firmware is coming? I have 4 Zwave devices set up that I want to link my VeraLite to, but I am waiting on the “no room” fix if it is coming soon.