Veralite controller locked up but can ping it?

Greetings all,

Went to work on a Vera issue with tech support and noted that web browser and SSH never connect (they just hang indefinitely). Vera website reports it can’t connect.

I can ping the Vera IP and it responds every time with a Sercomm MAC address (must be the HW manufacturer).

I can’t get home to reboot this thing, nor should I have to. Any advice? I have USB logging turned on.

[quote=“solarshine, post:1, topic:187181”]Greetings all,

Went to work on a Vera issue with tech support and noted that web browser and SSH never connect (they just hang indefinitely). Vera website reports it can’t connect.

I can ping the Vera IP and it responds every time with a Sercomm MAC address (must be the HW manufacturer).

I can’t get home to reboot this thing, nor should I have to. Any advice? I have USB logging turned on.[/quote]

Can you VPN or remote to a computer on the LAN and try to get in locally?

I have had remote issues that I could VPN and connect locally to, give it a reboot. Then retry. If not you need to reboot locally.

Yea, I did try by remotely controlling a PC on the LAN. VeraLite doesn’t refuse connections, it is just silent… HTTP and SSH.

About to ask the Wifeypooh to look at the status lights. I can already see the eyeball rolling…

[quote=“solarshine, post:3, topic:187181”]Yea, I did try by remotely controlling a PC on the LAN. VeraLite doesn’t refuse connections, it is just silent… HTTP and SSH.

About to ask the Wifeypooh to look at the status lights. I can already see the eyeball rolling…[/quote]

Ok then have her pull the plug and replug while shes there.

I had exactly the same some time ago. Also very far away forfrom , I had to wait untill I could un- and replug the vera again.


i have similar issue and for me it happened 1-2 times per day. Can you enable log to USB drive and check /tmp/log/cmh/LuaUPnP.log log file.,32034.0.html