VeraLite & CM15


Sorry for my english, i don’t speak very well.

I have dipositive X10, I bought Veralite. I didn’t know it had to connect the Power Linc Modem (2413U) to work with X10.
Any chance to connect the CM15A?


[quote=“marxelog, post:1, topic:170656”]Hi,

Sorry for my english, i don’t speak very well.

I have dipositive X10, I bought Veralite. I didn’t know it had to connect the Power Linc Modem (2413U) to work with X10.
Any chance to connect the CM15A?


If you follow this thread,7463.0.html it talks about a *nix server deamon called mocad that will interface with a CM15A and then there is a plug in for Vera that will talk to this deamon. I have never done this but the folks in this thread may help.