Ok, I searched the forum, downloaded the manual, but I am still unable to let datamine see my USB stick.
What has been done/is working (or not):
- I created /dataMine in the root and am able to mount it by hand. Touching a file here saves in on the USB stick.
- I didn’t let vera format it to use it for logging
- The manual is saying to set some variables:
SetDataDirectory left it as deafult /dataMine/
SetMountPoint to “/dev/sda1”. But I am unable to change it. I can enter some text, set the cursor out of the field. But When I come back to the device
the field is empty again. So impossible to set it. - as the tool blkid is not available anymore, I don’t know how to detect the UUID.
- but so far, when I open datamine it prompt me for a usb stick, but the option is empty.
Any help would be great.