Vera3 Flood Sensor Notifications (Customization)

In order to get my flood sensors to Notify I have to have them armed. (The option to notify when not armed simply doesn’t work).

The notifications state that Movement Was detected and it alarms as a burglary.

Is there anyway I can change this so it sends the message that the flood sensor detects water or doesn’t detect water?

UI7 Firmware 1.7.619

Everspring Flood/Water detectors.

I can’t find anywhere to customize the notifications.

Did you try to add a notification from the DEVICE tab directly … not using the House Modes tab ?

I was being stupid and figured it out.

It was a perception issue on my part (The box looked like it was checked, apparently it wasn’t)…

More of that “great” UI design work.

I just installed about 10 of these over the weekend and am getting the same notification message. Would like to customize the notification if possible. Anyone know how that would be done?
