Vera Windows App GrassHopper

We need a forum for Grasshopper for Windows 8 (app) and Windows Phone


Phone App:

Win 8 App:

Recent Forum Post:,10009.0.html

Not the author, just a very happy user and wanted folks to know about some other Windows clients. I appreciate what Tim has done, but for those looking to install a Windows app in under 1 minute should checkout grasshopper.


You would think they would post some screen shots of the win 8 client would be available on the site. Or am I just that blind

In my browser, there is some small thumbnails under the large pic to click on with the mouse.

Also, if your on touch device, I think you swipe the big pic up or to the side.

I actually haven’t logged on here for a while. I’m the developer of the app. The links provided in the previous posts should give you a good idea what it looks like. If you have further questions you can email me directly at When i get a chance i’ll try to update the website with info. I’m always busy working on updates and whatnot so i never seem to get that updated. Thanks.

Spencer :slight_smile:

[quote=“mramgine, post:4, topic:179086”]I actually haven’t logged on here for a while. I’m the developer of the app. The links provided in the previous posts should give you a good idea what it looks like. If you have further questions you can email me directly at When i get a chance i’ll try to update the website with info. I’m always busy working on updates and whatnot so i never seem to get that updated. Thanks.

Spencer :-)[/quote]

Thanks for writing the app. It is tough to estimate how often I use it. It has become core to my routine so that it feels somewhat ubiquitous. I use the full functionality including multiple pinned tiles and strategically placed NFC tags. My only ask would be setting some type of aliased phrases (I don’t know if the API supports it or not) for common scenes. Would be really cool to say “Grasshopper I’m ready for work” as opposed to “Grasshopper run scene x on y” which sounds unnatural if someone else is around. :slight_smile:

PM me if you need a tester who is willing to side load!

[quote=“mramgine, post:4, topic:179086”]I actually haven’t logged on here for a while. I’m the developer of the app. The links provided in the previous posts should give you a good idea what it looks like. If you have further questions you can email me directly at When i get a chance i’ll try to update the website with info. I’m always busy working on updates and whatnot so i never seem to get that updated. Thanks.

Spencer :-)[/quote]

Hey Spencer… we’ve chatted via email before… great app. Honestly, one of the fastest I’ve seen so far. A few feature requests, at least for my setup:

  1. Love how you’ve used tiles. Would also love it if you could rearrange them, similar to the Win8 home screen. Today i believe they are alphabetic only… At least on the favorites screen.
  2. Able to possible change font size within tiles for better readability (on win8 client).
  3. The UX for Alarms and Sonos are really text heavy when you click through a tile. I’d love to see a little more thought here … just kinda boring (sorry).