Vera USB dongle

So I was adding a new device on my Z-Wave network the other day.

I unplugged the Vera USB Z-Wave dongle and I went up to the location of the Z-wave device. I pressed the button on the dongle to get the LED blinking. Well, the LED light blinked brightly for maybe 10 seconds and then very quickly faded to no blinking light. It was like the battery was running dry on a flashlight… the LED very quickly became dimmer and dimmer until it went out. After the this, the dongle became completely unresponsive. PRessing the button on it did nothing.

Fortunately, I managed to get the dongle to recognize the Z-wave device before it went dead.

Soooo, is this a defective dongle? I suspect it is, as adding more than one Z-wave device before it goes dead seems next to impossible give the incredibly short period of time I have before the dongle runs out of juice.

Comments? Suggestions? Thanks in advance.


Were you able to get this issue resolved? Is there an internal battery in the dongle that the user can replace?

And, finally, since you only posted once about your problem with the dongle’s LED fading during use, I wonder if you may have submitted a request for Mi Casa Verde support to replace your dongle (at and click SUPPORT).

Looking forward to your update, now that it’s one month later!

No the issue is not resolved. I just rarely add new Z-wave devices, so there has been no need to deal with this problem lately. I suppose I should contact support to see if this is indeed an issue I need to deal with.
