Vera Unable to detect 2/3 of my Devices


I need help. I’m new to all this. I have just install my vera edge and all my zwave device last month.

However, this morning when I wake up, my vera UI cannot detect 2/3 of my devices and most of my scene is not functioning.

Tried repairing and restoring it but its still the same. next I tried to delete and re-add my device. But Im unable to unpair them despite numerous attempt. Hence end up deleting the device. After which I cant re-add them back.

I’m feeling so helpless now. Hope someone can help me.

It sounds like your Z-Wave network might have a linear branch where a failed node may have isolated a section of the network. A Z-Wave node may have failed or it may have locked up and require a reboot(power cycle the breaker).

One way to test this theory would be to temporarily move the Edge close to a “missing” device and see if it can be controlled by Vera. This would also be a good place and time to try an exclude/include of a device.

If it seems like the failed node theory may be the issue and it is not apparent which node may be the bottleneck, then you’ll have to look at the autoroute field of the missing devices. They’ll share a common node and if you find that Vera is unable to reach/control that node, then that is likely your culprit.

[quote=“Mrpostman23, post:1, topic:187946”]Hi,

I need help. I’m new to all this. I have just install my vera edge and all my zwave device last month.

However, this morning when I wake up, my vera UI cannot detect 2/3 of my devices and most of my scene is not functioning.

Tried repairing and restoring it but its still the same. next I tried to delete and re-add my device. But Im unable to unpair them despite numerous attempt. Hence end up deleting the device. After which I cant re-add them back.

I’m feeling so helpless now. Hope someone can help me.[/quote]

After deleting a device, before you can pair it again you need to exclude it. To do that go to Devices–>Add Device–>Generic Z-Wave Device. After initiating the pairing process it will say add device now, click on retry and that will put your controller into exclude mode, go though the same process with your device as if you were adding it. Once you have confermation that the device has been excluded you can begin the pairing process again.

If this does not work, contact Custoemr Care so they can get you sorted. or

Marc: MrPostman23 said his devices worked for a month and then mysteriously stopped working and could not be detected. That is not an issue with excluding/including…his devices were
properly included…then VeraEdge lost them. I have the same problem since upgrading to VeraEdge…I have devices which I have included and are reported included and working fine, then a week or so later they can no longer be detected. I have had Vera since Vera1 came out and am very well experienced at excluding/including and never had an issue with devices not being able to be detected after successful inclusion. That is not the issue here…something seems to be going wrong inside VeraEdge after it runs a while…