Vera Startup Multiple Messages

I installed Vera Alerts and updated to latest version just released. Set it up to email me from some events and all works fine for at least a week now.

I do get a Vera Startup message once a day at 2 AM, and I understand this might be normal. But today I am getting bombed with them.

To start, what does the Vera Startup message mean, or what triggers it?

Thanks, Bob (beachboync)

This is when the Vera Software re-initializes itself.
Lots of restarts indicates your Vera is having some problems and needs your attention.
I think Vera always restarts itself in the middle of the night … after checking over the Z-Wave network.

You can disable these messages in the Settings (General) tab. Turn off internal alerts.

Thanks Richard. What I expected.

But as suddenly it started, it seems to have stopped now, but I will stay on top of it.
