Vera Lockups (firmware 1.0.292)

I had 2 occurrences since upgrading to 1.0.292 where Vera stops responding to any commands and I’m unable to connect via or its local ip address. Both times I had to power down Vera to get it working again.

Another user reported this too. It actually wasn’t a problem in our software, it’s something in the kernel. We hired an outside guru to dig through the logs to see why it happened. There are some error messages in the syslog just before the crash.

Yes, I had this happen last evening too, :cry:

Also on the Backup/Restore screen, the Reload button does not work.
I had one instance of ‘data base corruption’ and wanted the system to be reloaded.
Had to resort to puling the plug…

HF, Chris

Next time, I’ll see if you’re available to check the system…


Regarding reload working I did this bug report:

Regarding the lockups, we hired one of the original core devs on busybox to work with us on this. It’s a low level Linux kernel issue. I think he’ll have a solution soon, although the lockups are pretty rare and intermittent so it will take a while to know for sure.

I had serious problems today with Vera locking up. I just had to reboot it again for the 4th time today. I’ve submitted the logs for each lockup.