Vera lite incorrect night

My vera lite does not seem to be calculating day and night properly. I have correctly set my location and timezone information, but when I create a scene based on a schedule it doesn’t run when it should. For example, a simple scene to turn a light on 30 after sunset - the light came on at 2:30 in the afternoon. Any ideas?

Have you verified the lat/long for your location?
Some times Vera looses track of time … i.e if it is power cycled when the internet is down.
Such as a storm. It does not have a battery backup on the clock … and it only sets TOD from the internet as part of the initialization after a power recycle.

[quote=“RichardTSchaefer, post:2, topic:187749”]Have you verified the lat/long for your location?
Some times Vera looses track of time … i.e if it is power cycled when the internet is down.
Such as a storm. It does not have a battery backup on the clock … and it only sets TOD from the internet as part of the initialization after a power recycle.[/quote]
Thanks for your reply. I never even knew there was an option (I’m using UI5- not sure about other versions) to specify your city, etc. I’ve only seen where you designate timezone. Thanks to your post, I stayed on the location setting page longer and after a couple of minutes more specific location fields appeared. Guess I was never patient enough for it to completely load the page. I completed the fields accordingly, so hopefully that will resolve my problem.