Vera Lite Failed Firmware

Let me start by saying I have read many threads on this topic and am very familiar with the recovery and firmware tool. My vera lite froze during a firmware upgrade and now will not complete its boot up. The blue power light comes on and occasionally i can get the ready light to come on but i never get the Ethernet light to come on.

I have directly connected it to my PC and put on the static IP’s but since the Ethernet light never comes on the media shows disconnected so ping and tftp are pointless. I have the same issue with the firmware restore tool, I loaded the tool into an XP virtual machine, but since the link light never comes on the tool can not find the vera.

Has anyone had an success re flashing the firmware when the Ethernet light wont come on?

No one has any feedback?

I have been trying to get MCV to respond with something more than a pre-fabricated email pointing me to their wiki page.
I have left 4 messages on their Tech Support line and sent multiple emails. I really like the products but this customer service is so bad I can not on good faith recommend these product to others.

If you did reflash the firmware properly, as you imply with your initial statement of familiarity, and it still doesn’t work, then you are beyond my abilities. I think you will need MCV to get it resolved.

I understand your frustration with non-functional unit, but it does seem a little unreasonable to expect weekend or 24 hour support from a small company with whom you have no support contract.

I’m sure that MCV will be in touch with you in the early part of the business week.