Vera health check procedure

My vera3 has started recently to respond to my scenes in unusual way. Sometimes, it takes up to 15 sec to start the scene and sometime even the scene not starting at all. Some other times, it works normally like a charm.
This is not related to a specific time or device or scene.
This applicable if the scene trigger is motion sensor or directly from the UI .
I tried to restore several backups but the problem still exists.
I am not new to Vera but new to solve such problems. I am sure there are some health check procedure to investigate and troubleshooting such problems. Any recommendations how to start a health check for my Vera to find out the root cause of the problem would be appreciated.

Hi I have the same problem, its like the unit freezes and the executes after ie. 15 sec. But as you write sometimes the scenes run instant and there is no problem.

I’m talking to support, but it is slow, and there looking at log files, but cant seem to find the real problem.

[quote=“mohahmosm, post:1, topic:191347”]I am sure there are some health check procedure to investigate and troubleshooting such problems.[/quote]Sounds great. Let me know when you find it.

In the mean time, you should look at your Vera’s log and determine if the scene is issuing commands when it should. Issues like yours are usually caused by a routing issue, where the first path fails, times out and then the retransmitted command succeeds on another path. Such a routing issue could be due to Vera selecting an inappropriate route, a device failing, or even a device that won’t stop transmitting and essentially flooding the network. Resets of the circuit breaker, or the air gap switch if it has one, usually resolve those problems.

If however, your log indicates that the scene does not run at all until 15 seconds after you click Run, then you have a problem with Vera itself. Such a problem may be caused by a plugin or it may be something else. I’d suggest contacting technical support for that issue.

You can view a “live”(can be delayed) log at this URL

You may also wish to look at the Wiki page on accessing teh log via SSH.

Thanks @Z-Waver
This is first time for me to see the log file. I can see, it is the start point to investigate my problems. I can see some lines with Red and Yellow. I assume the Red lines mean some problems impacting the performance of my Vera. I have the following questions:
1- Is there a link , guide or post to help me understand the meaning error messages and how to fix it.
2- Generally, Is there a link, guide or post to help me understand the lines of the log file.
3- How to deal with the log file itself. How to to go to the history ( yesterday for example) to check the error happened in specific timing or occasion.

Thanks in advance.

[quote=“mohahmosm, post:4, topic:191347”]1- Is there a link , guide or post to help me understand the meaning error messages and how to fix it.[/quote] No, there aren’t any useful guides beyond the wiki page I already linked to. The log is really meant for Vera tech support and developers, but is useful for those that have put in an effort to understand how Vera works. You’ll need to watch the log while doing things that work and then compare what you see with things that don’t work in order to derive what might be a problem.

2- Generally, Is there a link, guide or post to help me understand the lines of the log file.
Same question, same answer. No guides. There are countless forum posts about all sorts of troubleshooting though.
3- How to deal with the log file itself. How to to go to the history ( yesterday for example) to check the error happened in specific timing or occasion.
By default, Vera rotates and discards the logs nightly. So there is no log for yesterday. You can [url=]move logging to a USB flash drive[/url] and disable the nightly upload to Vera's servers, which will then leave historical logs on the USB drive.

This is all covered in the wiki and discussed ad nauseam in the forums. Use Google as follows: