Vera Edge - major regression - thinking about throwing it away

Vera edge user for the last ~3 years.
I really enjoyed using it and took a lot of time to get all the scenes I need and setup all the devices in a proper way.
everything used to work ok most of the time.
lately, there’s a major regression in my vera controller.
I start a scene manually and 75% of the time the scene won’t even work, the other 25% of the time the scene works but very veryyyy slow.
for example, scene to shut down 8 roller shades that used to work in a second and shut down all 8 together now (if it works) shut down 5-6 of them and the other 2-3 in a delay.

I constantly see devices that appears as “disconnected” although nothing changed in terms of controller and devices locations.
my fibaro keyfob that used to work great now fails to activate scenes all the time.

I have scenes where I turn on a ceiling fan and then turn it off 10 minutes later, I have many cases now where the fan goes on and then never goes off resulting my son freezing in his sleep.

customer support is kind of responsive (1-2 days to reply) but they’re now telling me to add all sort of delays in my scenes although nothing really changed in my setup for more than 6 months.
and that still doesn’t help.

I have version 1.7.3830 (latest AFAIK)

Is anyone else having the same issues as I?
what would be best value for money z-wave controller I can get these days?

would also be nice to get an official response from vera on this one.

Sadly everything you describe is what so many people have been suffering and trying to raise in these forums - Vera has become incredibly slow and unstable.

However, Vera apparently have some great new features in the pipeline… nevermind they are being added on top of a slow and unstable platform :frowning:

There are other products out there though. Since moving on I am still blown away that I have events/scenes that work so fast - yet under Vera I had to use direct Z-Wave associations to make things happen that quickly. And that multiple items can instantly take place - I arm my security and I instantly hear my blinds going down, can see the power turn off all my TV gear, see multiple lights all turn off, etc… instantly, as in the very second I have pushed the button to arm I see and hear the clicks of all this taking place all at the same time in that very same instant. It’s been a few weeks and I’m still so excited like a little kid each time this stuff happens - bit spoilt after months of incredible pain with Vera.

[quote=“Tillsy, post:2, topic:199366”]Sadly everything you describe is what so many people have been suffering and trying to raise in these forums - Vera has become incredibly slow and unstable.

However, Vera apparently have some great new features in the pipeline… nevermind they are being added on top of a slow and unstable platform :frowning:

There are other products out there though. Since moving on I am still blown away that I have events/scenes that work so fast - yet under Vera I had to use direct Z-Wave associations to make things happen that quickly. And that multiple items can instantly take place - I arm my security and I instantly hear my blinds going down, can see the power turn off all my TV gear, see multiple lights all turn off, etc… instantly, as in the very second I have pushed the button to arm I see and hear the clicks of all this taking place all at the same time in that very same instant. It’s been a few weeks and I’m still so excited like a little kid each time this stuff happens - bit spoilt after months of incredible pain with Vera.[/quote]

sounds great! would you please tell me what did you move to?

Vera guys, are you going to ignore me here?

[quote=“rotman253, post:3, topic:199366”][quote=“Tillsy, post:2, topic:199366”]Sadly everything you describe is what so many people have been suffering and trying to raise in these forums - Vera has become incredibly slow and unstable.

However, Vera apparently have some great new features in the pipeline… nevermind they are being added on top of a slow and unstable platform :frowning:

There are other products out there though. Since moving on I am still blown away that I have events/scenes that work so fast - yet under Vera I had to use direct Z-Wave associations to make things happen that quickly. And that multiple items can instantly take place - I arm my security and I instantly hear my blinds going down, can see the power turn off all my TV gear, see multiple lights all turn off, etc… instantly, as in the very second I have pushed the button to arm I see and hear the clicks of all this taking place all at the same time in that very same instant. It’s been a few weeks and I’m still so excited like a little kid each time this stuff happens - bit spoilt after months of incredible pain with Vera.[/quote]

sounds great! would you please tell me what did you move to?

Vera guys, are you going to ignore me here?[/quote]

Homeseer is one example. You can download and use it for a a 30 day trial before you buy basis. If you do like it they usually have it on half price sale in May and November.

check out this, might make throw it out the window even harder.,88784.0.html

[quote=“rotman253, post:3, topic:199366”][quote=“Tillsy, post:2, topic:199366”]Sadly everything you describe is what so many people have been suffering and trying to raise in these forums - Vera has become incredibly slow and unstable.

However, Vera apparently have some great new features in the pipeline… nevermind they are being added on top of a slow and unstable platform :frowning:

There are other products out there though. Since moving on I am still blown away that I have events/scenes that work so fast - yet under Vera I had to use direct Z-Wave associations to make things happen that quickly. And that multiple items can instantly take place - I arm my security and I instantly hear my blinds going down, can see the power turn off all my TV gear, see multiple lights all turn off, etc… instantly, as in the very second I have pushed the button to arm I see and hear the clicks of all this taking place all at the same time in that very same instant. It’s been a few weeks and I’m still so excited like a little kid each time this stuff happens - bit spoilt after months of incredible pain with Vera.[/quote]

sounds great! would you please tell me what did you move to?

Vera guys, are you going to ignore me here?[/quote]

Others have their preferences of moving to Home Assistant or OpenHab2 etc. I’ve used all of them and I settled on HomeSeer. Does everything I want and what it doesn’t do I can write a plugin for it. Which I’m doing :slight_smile:

If I hadn’t moved to HomeSeer I would have stayed on Home Assistant and using my Vera for a device controller. That works well. Now I’m with HomeSeer and using my VeraPlus as a Zigbee controller interfacing with HomeSeer.

[quote=“rotman253, post:3, topic:199366”][quote=“Tillsy, post:2, topic:199366”]Sadly everything you describe is what so many people have been suffering and trying to raise in these forums - Vera has become incredibly slow and unstable.

However, Vera apparently have some great new features in the pipeline… nevermind they are being added on top of a slow and unstable platform :frowning:

There are other products out there though. Since moving on I am still blown away that I have events/scenes that work so fast - yet under Vera I had to use direct Z-Wave associations to make things happen that quickly. And that multiple items can instantly take place - I arm my security and I instantly hear my blinds going down, can see the power turn off all my TV gear, see multiple lights all turn off, etc… instantly, as in the very second I have pushed the button to arm I see and hear the clicks of all this taking place all at the same time in that very same instant. It’s been a few weeks and I’m still so excited like a little kid each time this stuff happens - bit spoilt after months of incredible pain with Vera.[/quote]

sounds great! would you please tell me what did you move to?

Vera guys, are you going to ignore me here?[/quote]

Rotman, I am not ignoring you but merely observing from the side. I have identified your case and I have already escalated to try and turn this around.
I’m really sorry for the frustration but I will try to make sure the team is doing everything they can to have you back on track.

Obviously, the title is what drew me in. Perhaps we should find a way to do a mass demolition of our vera edges. I just can’t keep investing the time it takes to keep this stuff working, especially when each new release causes new problems that may not be detected for weeks and then I have to start over. I have had vera for many years, in fact I probably used pleg for two years before Richard started charging for pleg. I just can’t do it anymore. I haven’t created a ticket for my latest ‘can’t write user data’ problem, I suppose I should give vera a chance to see what their last release did to me, but the normal comments about support don’t inspire me much. I was finally just able to enable remote access, so I may create a ticket as I would hate to be a vera representative that wants to help when I haven’t even been given a notice or chance. In any case, thank you for your thoughts as they help me know I am not alone. Please keep sharing and perhaps vera will one day realize that the user community is not their beta test audience.

[quote=“rotman253, post:1, topic:199366”]Hello,
Vera edge user for the last ~3 years.
I really enjoyed using it and took a lot of time to get all the scenes I need and setup all the devices in a proper way.
everything used to work ok most of the time.
lately, there’s a major regression in my vera controller.
I start a scene manually and 75% of the time the scene won’t even work, the other 25% of the time the scene works but very veryyyy slow.
for example, scene to shut down 8 roller shades that used to work in a second and shut down all 8 together now (if it works) shut down 5-6 of them and the other 2-3 in a delay.

I constantly see devices that appears as “disconnected” although nothing changed in terms of controller and devices locations.
my fibaro keyfob that used to work great now fails to activate scenes all the time.

I have scenes where I turn on a ceiling fan and then turn it off 10 minutes later, I have many cases now where the fan goes on and then never goes off resulting my son freezing in his sleep.

customer support is kind of responsive (1-2 days to reply) but they’re now telling me to add all sort of delays in my scenes although nothing really changed in my setup for more than 6 months.
and that still doesn’t help.

I have version 1.7.3830 (latest AFAIK)

Is anyone else having the same issues as I?
what would be best value for money z-wave controller I can get these days?

would also be nice to get an official response from vera on this one.[/quote]

I think i have something that can help you:
some time the Z-wave mesh could get messy after moving things around, you could go to setting/z-wave settings /advanced tab/ and update neighbor nodes
maybe that will fix the range part.

also is been 3 years and several updates, you could be running out of space and that why is becoming slow, the guys from Vera helped me last time with this.
send me PM and i could give u more info.
