Vera down messages

I have findvera setup to notify me on vera being down. I get these messages every day or two even though I can check vera when I get it and vera is up. I also monitor my internet connection and have verified it is not down. Does anyone else see this?

Theoretically your unit reports to our server every 20min that it’s up. And if we find an unit that hasn’t reported for more than 1 hour we’re notifying the user.
If we notify you, then your vera reports that’s online and then again for one hour doesn’t report you’ll be notified again.
If you are sure that your network connection is good ( ie you don’t have loses to ), please submit a Trouble Report (Setup->Advanced->Trouble Report) when you get such a notification message, for us to look further in the issue.

I get these, but my Vera IS down. I have been working on my house with occasional power interruptions, so it loses connectivity when the cable modem or main router is down. As mentioned above, the connection has to be down for a while before you get the report. So, IMHO, even if you have connectivity when you see the alert, it does not mean you did not have an outage of some sort an hour or more beforehand.

That is not to say that you have network issues - lord knows Vera and other parts of the system do funky things. I just mean to indicate that you can’t assume that the network was ok for the previous hour just because it is ok now.
