I was trying to install the Vera Concierge Server on my NAS Synology and it was not very easy for me.
I will try to explain (sorry for my poor english) what i have done for those who want to do the same.
The install was done on a NAS Synology DS216play with DSM 6.1.6-15266
1 - Install the java package from the package Center : JAVA8 ver 8.0.151-0014 and reboot the NAS
2- SSH the NAS with Putty
3 - Create a directory to put the application.
mkdir /volume1/Disque_Interne/veraconcierge
4 - Go to the directory you create and upload the application
cd /volume1/Disque_Interne/veraconcierge
wget https://storage.googleapis.com/veraconcierge.appspot.com/ConciergeServerVersions/ConciergeServer.jar
5 - Execute the application once, so it will create all the files in the directory
java -jar ConciergeServer.jar
These files would be created : conciergeserver ConciergeServer.jar install.sh uninstall.sh update.sh
6 - Delete conciergeserver, install.sh, uninstall.sh and update.sh because it’s not working on Synology OS and we will create new files
rm install.sh uninstall.sh update.sh conciergeserver
If you launch the application as indicated : java -jar ConciergeServer.jar service
The server will listen to the or localhost address and no way for me to access to the web page from my computer.
Fortunatly, the developper add a parametrer you can specify to change the default server address : -ip
The command line should be java -jar ConciergeServer.jar service -ip XX.XX.XX.XX (XX.XX.XX.XX is the internal IP address of your NAS (like
7 - Create the file ConciergeServer.sh and copy this :
DESC=“VeraConcierge Server”
set -e
start() {
if [ -f $PIDFILE ]; then
echo "Warning : $PIDFILE still present. Unclean shutdown ?"
kill -s 9 `cat $PIDFILE` 2>/dev/null
rm -f $PIDFILE 2>/dev/null
echo -n "Starting $DESC... "
$JAVADIR -jar $APPPATH/ConciergeServer.jar service -ip $SERVERIP -delay 60&
echo $PID > $PIDFILE
echo "done"
stop() {
echo -n "Stopping $DESC... "
if [ -f $PIDFILE ]; then
kill -9 `cat $PIDFILE` 2>/dev/null
rm -f $PIDFILE 2>/dev/null
echo "done"
case "$1" in
sleep 1
echo "Usage: $0 (start|stop|restart)"
exit 1
You have to change :
- The [b]APPPATH [/b]value to the path of the directory you create at step 3,
- the [b]JAVADIR [/b]value to the full Path for java.exe
- the [b]SERVERIP [/b]value to the internal IP address of your NAS (like
8 - Make the file executable
chmod +x ConciergeServer.sh
You can now test the application :
[code]sudo ./ConciergeServer.sh start[/code]
[b]Wait about 1 min [/b]and you should be able to access to the interface on your web browser at [b][i]https://XX.XX.XX.XX:8989[/i][/b] where XX.XX.XX.XX is the internal IP address of your NAS (like
How to use
To start the application :
sudo ./ConciergeServer.sh start
[i]To stop the application : [/i]
[code]sudo ./ConciergeServer.sh stop[/code]
[i]To restart the application :[/i]
[code]sudo ./ConciergeServer.sh restart[/code]
9 - Create now a task in the tasks scheduler of the Synology so the application will start with the NAS :
Create a triggered task, user-defined task.
task:Veraconcierge or whatever you want
to the user-defined script , copy-paste :
cd /volume1/Disque_Interne/veraconcierge/
./ConciergeServer.sh start
Change the directory to the one you created at step 3
10 - For future update, create the file update.sh and copy this
./ConciergeServer.sh stop
mv ConciergeServer.jar old.jar
mv new.jar ConciergeServer.jar
./ConciergeServer.sh start
Now the vera concierge is running on my synology…i’ts time to learn how to use it ;D
Many thanks to RichardTSchaefer for this app.