Vera clone/competitor?

Very similar to Vera, priced at $600, has scripting out of the box and seems to be Windows based - there are some C# sample apps available…

BTW, available through Amazon marketplace.

Very interesting. Price is a little high, but worth considering due to the fact that it seems to support conditional logic events/scenes.

When was the last time that MCV had any updates on adding conditional support to Vera? They were targeting last Dec. Its now almost April and still nothing. I’m also a little disappointed with the last firmware update since none of my motion sensors are working correctly and the release seems unstable to me.

This post isn’t meant to bash MCV. They have always been very responsive providing support for their product. The product has also grown since I purchased it last year. However, I’m starting to get annoyed by the lack of features (that I’m interested in) and the stability of the system.

At some point I was also thinking that Vera is not very stable. But the more I test and experiment, the more I learn that devices Vera control are not perfect and sometimes even less stable…

Speaking of sensors - I do have HSM100 multi-sensor and HRDS1 door sensor and they work perfectly fine with the latest firmware. But, I did not keep my network configuration, but rather completely recreated my Z-Wave network with the new firmware, while replacing the batteries in the sensors. I did that not because of any stability or upgrade issues, but because I was experimenting with different configurations…

BTW, my Vera is secondary due to some limitations with the Leviton’s proprietary(?) “hail” function…

Vera is a bit buggy as some complain about. :cry:
It would be nice to get a final update at some point.
All the current features stable !!

I go back and look at all the other Zwave boxes of this type and none have as much support for so many different Zwave classes.
The closest hardware device is a Homeseer at three times the cost. And of course no lock support.

To date this is device has good promise.

They need to keep going!

I agree that this Vera is the front runner when you factor in the support. I’m hopeful that they can keep pace with the innovations being made by competitors. The Asian electronic manufactures are training their sights on Z-wave and home security and climate control systems.

The asian community does not seem to be bogged down with politics amongst competitors like here in the US.

Why it has taken Micasa to show the us Zwave community that “it” can be done.
To have support for the many Zwave device types (classes) not just the ones that a particular company likes.

I agree. Strategy wise, They should make as many patches and additions to the firmware as they can handle writing.

What the us market does not get it that not implementing a device class I think has reduced the number of potential products sold.

You have new commers looking to make a product not currently offered in Zwave. They purchase a DEV kit and then make the product. Then they find that vurtually no one has implemented the device class.

I don’t get it!
Am I missing something obvious here?

Micasa is the only one I know that supports the most Device classes.

The US product manufactures have miss the boat. Need to ask themselves, what are the selling, why is it important and how do i ensure that it stays viable. The vertical model is out mode, but the executive suite is stuck in what they were taught in business school.

Ok I see it.
The reason We see the problem is they went got MBA’s

I went through university and school of hard knocks.
this country must change with the times or we’re all DOOMED ???

When was the last time that MCV had any updates on adding conditional support to Vera? They were targeting last Dec. Its now almost April and still nothing. I'm also a little disappointed with the last firmware update since none of my motion sensors are working correctly and the release seems unstable to me. This post isn't meant to bash MCV. They have always been very responsive providing support for their product. The product has also grown since I purchased it last year. However, I'm starting to get annoyed by the lack of features (that I'm interested in) and the stability of the system.

I hear you, although, you’ll probably agree, stability is more important for a product than new features. It took longer than expected for us to get all the bugs worked out of our code. It was not until early January that we felt comfortable that our core Z-Wave engine was done, and stable (about 6 weeks later than expected). But then we had a major, unexpected set back because we had already started shipping Vera’s with the version 5.02 (aka 2.48) of the Z-Wave chip in the dongle (see: Devices, Z-Wave Options, version 2.48). Only the 5.02 version of the Z-Wave chips support secure classes and can talk to the Schlage lock. But, the 5.02 chips are buggy. They crash and have other issues. We couldn’t go back to the older Z-Wave chips because supporting secure devices is very important for our customers. So, we’ve spent over 2 months pouring through the raw data passing from/to the Z-Wave dongle trying to find patterns to the problems to predict when the chip will lock up, and create workarounds. Of course, these 5.02 issues have resulted in a lot of tech support requests for the developers, which slows things down considerably. The time that we wanted to put into developing new features, like the Lua engine you need for conditional expressions, has instead been spent figuring out how to get the 5.02 chips to work reliably. As far as competing products go, like the one you’ve pointed out, we’re pretty sure everybody who is using the Serial API for the 5.02 Z-Wave chips runs into the same problems, and, amongst those in the Z-Wave community, it does appear that we are the most aggressive in terms of flushing out and workout around all the issues. The new version we just released today (591) has new network healing and diagnostic functionality that is, afaik, the first for the 5 series of Z-Wave chips. .591 also sends up trouble reports whenever it suspects the Z-Wave chip in the dongle is behaving badly and forwards diagnostic data, and it also sends up an error report whenever there’s a crash in our code as well. With this we’ll be able to measure how well these new workarounds are working, and, hopefully, we’re within a week or two of being able to shift the developers attention back to the new features in the queue: Lua, infrared support, Insteon+Zigbee support.

Thanks for your patience and understanding.

We thank you and your team for doing what no one else was willing to do.
Do the best job possible.
I as well as I hope the rest of us will try to be patient!

I agree with zmistro. I really thing you guys have a great thing happening here.

Keep up the good work! We are still patiently waiting :slight_smile:

BTW, what does it mean if I see “Version 2.40 L:1” in Z-Wave Options?

2.40 (aka 4.27) is the version of the Z-Wave chip. 2.40/4.27 is the most mature version of the Z-Wave chip and the most stable. But it doesn’t handle secure devices, like the Schlage lock. For that you need 2.48 (aka 5.02). The 5.02 chips are a lot more problematic and crash a lot. However, we’ve spent the last couple months working around those issues so now the 5.02 chips should work ok.

I’m sorry but my dongle 5.02 (2.48) does still crash (3 tickets open). I just replaced it the with my seluxit controller, which shows 2.40 (as secondary) and now vera works… and I am happy!

We did find a case of lockups that wasn’t detected in 591. We just posted a 602 version which fixes both that and an Internet Explorer issue (see the official announcements). If your 5.02 dongle is still locking up, what I’d recommend is that you enable verbose logging (do this before it locks up), and then after it locks up, submit a trouble ticket. Then we can go through the logs and see if your dongle is locking up in a way we hadn’t already worked around, and do another patch.

ok, do it right, perhaps 602 does it.

But let me be clear: all in all I think Vera is great product and all of you are doing a great job!