Vera better with iOS or android?

I’m going to get a new phone soon and can go with either iphone or android.

The deciding factor may be which will work best with Vera apps.

I currently have a Samsung S3 and Vera apps are not working too well. Can’t lock or unlock zwave Yale lock, also always shows locked, whether it is actually locked or unlocked. Also, garage door opener app is inconsistent.

I’d say stick with android. You should look at getting tasker with android and autovera. Makes a very nice combination to control your devices. Also, you could then integrate autovoice to simply speak what devices/switches/etc and how you want to control them. You’ll never get the type of control something like tasker gets you if you use an iPhone.

[quote=“randerson0248, post:1, topic:184855”]I’m going to get a new phone soon and can go with either iphone or android.

The deciding factor may be which will work best with Vera apps.

I currently have a Samsung S3 and Vera apps are not working too well. Can’t lock or unlock zwave Yale lock, also always shows locked, whether it is actually locked or unlocked. Also, garage door opener app is inconsistent.[/quote]

Android is a better operating system.

You phone is not likely going to be the problem with your current issues. If anything related to phone it will be your network (service provider) and the internet connection that could cause problems or slow delayed updates.

What app’s are you using now to control your Vera?
What UI is your VERA on.
What does the web interface show when your door is unlocked and your phone says locked?

I used to have an iPhone and one of the reasons to upgrade to an Android phone last year was AuthomationHD and to a lesser extent Imperihome.

Everything is better on Android :wink:

Your S3 should run AuthomationHD no problem, it worked on mine. Have you tried that app? Also check out ImperiHome.

[quote=“randerson0248, post:1, topic:184855”]I’m going to get a new phone soon and can go with either iphone or android.

The deciding factor may be which will work best with Vera apps.

I currently have a Samsung S3 and Vera apps are not working too well. Can’t lock or unlock zwave Yale lock, also always shows locked, whether it is actually locked or unlocked. Also, garage door opener app is inconsistent.[/quote]

To my mind Android is best for this. Thanks