Can I use vera as my wireless router.
Short answer, yes, of course.
I do. It seems that in early firmware versions I had problems doing this and used a Linksys router instead for wireless but in recent updates I’ve moved solely to the Vera (Asus) router and I have no problems to speak of. I have not messed around with Firewall settings so I do not know how the protection is “out of the box”. Perhaps someone else has a good thread for Firewall adjustments.
Even though it’s possible technically, it’s always better to have a router on a dedicated box.
Asus 520GU can be found for $25, flash with Tomato, and enjoy life.
I Use Vera as my main Router with little problems.
Though it would be easier to get another router, I am trying to maximize the functionality of the Vera and squeeze everything out of it’s 6watts.
I’m taking a big departure from my old conventional practices and trying to green all my electronics up. Some my friends say I’m pushing it too far.
In addition to being my router/ Wireless AP:
It’s a locked down firewall with only one port open for SSH.
It’s a DynDNS client
It’s my SSH gateway to which I tunnel to my network
I mounted a 1GB USB stick to serve as an SFTP server
It’s my WOL server to power on my NAS when I’m not home
[quote=“tt55du, post:5, topic:164562”]I Use Vera as my main Router with little problems.
Though it would be easier to get another router, I am trying to maximize the functionality of the Vera and squeeze everything out of it’s 6watts.
I’m taking a big departure from my old conventional practices and trying to green all my electronics up. Some my friends say I’m pushing it too far.
In addition to being my router/ Wireless AP:
It’s a locked down firewall with only one port open for SSH.
It’s a DynDNS client
It’s my SSH gateway to which I tunnel to my network
I mounted a 1GB USB stick to serve as an SFTP server
It’s my WOL server to power on my NAS when I’m not home[/quote]
I’m kinding thinking the same thing. If it can handle it- then why not?
care to post some pointers to how you accomplished all that?
It’s not ‘N’, nor Gigabit, and in general OpenWRT makes a great platform, but not really usable router, that is, unless you’re decidedly CLI person.
I had a terrible time getting my Linksys router to work consistently with Vera. It was a wireless G Linksys router. I replaced the router twice. When it was working, my upload and download speeds were very slow. I like, I started using Vera as my router and that solved most of my problems.
now quite sure what CLI means- if that gives you any clue- laughing.
But in my case I have a crappy linksys router that is always a pain in the but and i want to get rid of and since the vera has one built in I figure why not use that.
I basically need wired access to 3 tivo’s (which can’t even max out wired 100) and one pc i use to store my photo’s one that does a nightly offsite backup (so gig is just going to overwelf the backup server anyway). So I dont need gigibit. My wife uses a netbook to surf the net so 54g is fast enough for that. And on occasion I bring my work laptop home and use it via wiresless fo email or a little light surfing. Maybe on occasion we’ll poke around in the digital pictures on the wired pc.
So really cheap basic outer is fine for me.
Since the one pc is always on and it’s windows I would like to make sure i lock all the ports down that I can. I would like to try and forward port 80 (and/or 8080 for https) to it since i do play around with a website that my sister on the other side of the country can poke at my pictures every now and again.
running some sort of FTP is intriguing too- my own little ‘cloud’ storage’ intrigues me (mostly i just like the challange- laughing). Although with all the free choices like and now google docs getting cloud it’s less important.
CLI = command line interface
I haven’t used routers with stock firmware for years, but I do use 5 Asus 520GU routers ($25 - $30) and one Linksys - all flashed with Tomato (google for it) as a router and wireless access points. All this work with 2 Veras without a glitch.
I would be glad to document for you what I’ve done, but I don’t quite have the time this week. However, I can get you started with the wol.
I documented it in this thread for another user.
Just let me know what you would like to accomplish and as soon as I get the time I’ll write something up for you.
I’ve gone my all-in-route for sometime now and I must say It’s been great.