I just released a new version of the Vera Alerts Server.
This is used by all Vera - Alert - Mobile profiles to send messages to your Android phone.
The change is to ASSERT the priority to HIGH as it sends messages to the Google Server.
High Priority messages are supposed to be able to wake you phone, if it’s sleeping.
This can effect you in one of two ways:
This will wake up your phone, even if it’s sleeping, to get a message to be noticed by your phone.
Hopefully this will fix problems with newer phones where people indicate the messages are not getting through because the new phones like to sleep to minimize battery use. -
The down side is that this will wake you phone up when a message is sent, causing your phone to consume the battery resources more quickly as opposed to waiting for something else to wake the Google Play services.
Previously I used NORMAL … Here the Google Play services on your phone would occasionally check for new content, if the phone was not sleeping.
Also any other service that sent a PRIORY message to your phone, would allow the outstanding NORMAL priority messages to be noticed.
Please let me know if you see any changes.