Vera alert - movement detected


I have a Vera Edge (latest firmware) and an Aeotec Multisensor 6 for which I had created a scene that sent a notification everytime the motion sensor detected movement which worked fine.

Now I have have that same sensor switching on a Fibaro wall plug, and switching it back off after some time, this works fine.

For some reason however, I now get a notification “movement was detected…” ervery time the sensor detects movement but I have no notifications active.
When I reconfigured the sensor, I deleted the previous scene and created 2 new ones, one to switch on, the other one to switch it off.

The “notify these people” part of the scene has ony one user and the notification is set to off, this is the same for both scenes.
Also, when I open the device and go to “notifications”, there are no notifications present.

Is there somewhere else I can look to switch this off?

to my knowledge you can set notification in two or three places. Maybe you should look into that:
from the dashboard, go to my modes with the > sign. look there for notification when home
and then in you scenes, there are also a few places where you can notify:
when these scen run, notify
and in the scripts if you used one
best regards,

Thanks Olivier, it was the one in the “Modes” menu.
I’ve never opened that menu before, didn’t know it was there!
