Vera 3 - UI7 - Use vera switch ports while connected to another router.

According to the documentation Vera is supposed to detect it’s behind a router and turn itself into a client device while making it’s ports available as a switch.

That’s not what happens here. Even after resetting network settings to default.

If I leave it on Auto, it keeps WIFI on and DHCP. Any device connected to it will get an IP from Vera 192.168.81/24 network. Is there a way to make Vera a switch ?

I saw posts on the forum to run onboot:

os.execute("wifi down")

However that won’t change its internal switch. Is there a quick way to do it ? Perhaps a quick way to change it’s vlans through openwrt ?

That is the same problem I am seeing. More frustration, when I go to the manual setup, and turn DHCP off, the Vera3 becomes unresponsive, and I have to reset the V3 and restore to a previous backup.

My issue is that I have a WIFI camera that is initially set up by plugging into the CAT5 port (so it gets a 192.168.0.XXX IP initially) but after I switch it to WIFI, it reverts to 192.168.81.XXX address, and it cannot be seen by the reset of my network. My network is both hardwired (~40 Gigabit Ethernet Ports), a dual band WIFI (with DHCP off) and the V3. If I could get the DHCP off on the V3, then all of my devices could talk to each other.