Vera 3 ui5 not controlling devices

Been running fine for weeks then all of a sudden I’m no longer able to control any lights. My motion is showing trip as it should be not triggering any of my lights. I’m also not able to manually turn my lights on off. Tried rebooting but no luck.

No errors?

And when you say rebooted, do you mean unplug and re-plug or just a luup reload?

that was the weirdest thing. It hung up for about 20 minutes then all of a sudden working again. When I log onto the interface I see “unit busy” message for a few seconds then go away and loop a few times then go away for awhile then back again. As I type this response, things are working again.

Just make sure your Pulling the cord or doing a full Power down to fix these problems… It’s the best way to fix anything fishy.

2nd best is to go under settings, net & Wifi and “REBOOT”

and the worst way is to do a “Restart luup”

Many times people do a Restart Luup and call it a reboot, when its not!

I have vera on a timer outlet that shut it down for 5 minutes every night and back on

That will do… But damn I get reboot/restart notices and that would kill me to have that everyday.

Lol that’s why u don’t enable it :wink: