I don’t know how long this has been there, but from my Vera Lite UI5 > Vera Lite UI7 > Vera Plus, I checked on a scene and found the following in the “Also, execute the following Luup code”:
–[[StartVeraAlerts]]luup.call_action(‘urn:richardgreen:serviceId:VeraAlert1’,‘DeviceNotification’, {Msg=‘%7Btone%3A4%7D%7Btimestamp%7D%7BBGColor%3AxFFB544%7D%20Porch%20Light%20On’, Name=‘Porch%20Motion%20Lite’, Description=‘Running%20scene%3A%20Porch%20Motion%20Lite’, DeviceID=0, HouseModeMask=undefined, Service=‘’, Variables=‘’, Recipients =‘myusername’}, 3)–[[EndVeraAlerts]]
This is a scene that is triggered when Combination Switch turns on. The user notification is already turned on, so I presume this code is not needed? I also believe that “–” essentially disables this code?
I’m also curious as to how it got there…
Thank you.