VA: Some puzzling code found in a scene

I don’t know how long this has been there, but from my Vera Lite UI5 > Vera Lite UI7 > Vera Plus, I checked on a scene and found the following in the “Also, execute the following Luup code”:

–[[StartVeraAlerts]]luup.call_action(‘urn:richardgreen:serviceId:VeraAlert1’,‘DeviceNotification’, {Msg=‘%7Btone%3A4%7D%7Btimestamp%7D%7BBGColor%3AxFFB544%7D%20Porch%20Light%20On’, Name=‘Porch%20Motion%20Lite’, Description=‘Running%20scene%3A%20Porch%20Motion%20Lite’, DeviceID=0, HouseModeMask=undefined, Service=‘’, Variables=‘’, Recipients =‘myusername’}, 3)–[[EndVeraAlerts]]

This is a scene that is triggered when Combination Switch turns on. The user notification is already turned on, so I presume this code is not needed? I also believe that “–” essentially disables this code?

I’m also curious as to how it got there…

Thank you.

A “Notification” in Vera is a hidden scene.
This code is what Vera Alerts Plugin adds to these Hidden Notification Scenes. Added when you do “Notification Configure” in the Vera Alerts plugin.

The --[[StartVeraAlerts]] and --[[EndVeraAlerts]] are just comments I use to to insert/replace into these scenes.

However you can have a Notification on a Scene (as opposed to a device) in which case you will see this code.
You can move this code around in your Lua if you want to conditionally run the notification for this scene.
If you delete it, it will NOT run the notification when the Scene is run unless you run “Notification Configure” which will add the code back in again.

Thank you for the explaination. I now realize that is the only scene where I have a notification configured, which clears my confusion. Cheers. [Applauded]