v1.70 - HomeWave crash while controlling Ademco alarm

I’ve had this happen about 50% of the time I’m trying to change alarm state. I click the control, and the rose comes up with my four options. I then press one of the options & HomeWave shuts down. I have to restart the app & try again. Usually, after I restart the app from a crash, the alarm control works. I’ve noticed it mostly when trying to arm, but I believe it’s happened in multiple states. Last night, it happened twice consecutively while trying to arm, so I resolved to post a thread about it.

Control properties
Controlling: Armed
Caption: Alarm
Place text outside control: Y
PIN selected
Show Instant Options: N
Show Extra Options: N
Show Z-Wave Status: Y
Vary background w/state: N

Any thoughts? Thanks…

I haven’t been able to reproduce this. Couple of questions:

  • Have you specified a PIN to be passed to the alarm, or did you set the control to ask for the App’s PIN?
  • If the latter, have you actually set a PIN on HomeWave?
  • In either case, can you try what happens without a PIN?

[quote=“intveltr, post:2, topic:178044”]I haven’t been able to reproduce this. Couple of questions:

  • Have you specified a PIN to be passed to the alarm, or did you set the control to ask for the App’s PIN?
  • If the latter, have you actually set a PIN on HomeWave?
  • In either case, can you try what happens without a PIN?[/quote]
    It’s entirely possible I’m doing this wrong. Attached is a screen shot of the control screen. I’ve also stored a PIN in MiOS/Vera, for what that’s worth… it doesn’t seem to maintain the PIN for very long.

I can try without the PIN the next time I’m at home.

Looks like you’re using both the alarm panel PIN and the app PIN (which is good). Try with neither PINs set when you’re home please

I will… the trouble is, the absence of a crash doesn’t mean the issue is solved. That’s the fun of intermittent problems… :slight_smile:

Another crash in HW this morning prompted me to try this. With no app PIN and no pin in the HW alarm control (screen as below), the control comes up with the rose of options (disarm, force, stay, arm), and when an option is chosen, it communicates with Vera momentarily & nothing happens. No crash after trying several times, but no action, either.

I restored the PIN in the HW app and selected “PIN” instead of “Enabled,” then attempted to disarm, and again it crashed. I then restarted the app, attempted to disarm, and it worked.

Apparently, I need at least the PIN in the HW app to make this work. I still can’t explain the crashes, though.

Can you enable logging in the settings please, then start HomeWave and disarm the alarm (without the app PIN set)? Then go to the Info screen and click “Mail logs” please. Don’t forget to disable logging again afterwards.

Does your alarm require a PIN to disarm the alarm? If so, do specify that in the alarm control’s properties.

Checking the code, there’s no difference between “Enabled” and “PIN” settings except the intermediate PIN screen. so it’s not clear why nothing gets sent when not using the PIN.

[quote=“intveltr, post:7, topic:178044”]Can you enable logging in the settings please, then start HomeWave and disarm the alarm (without the app PIN set)? Then go to the Info screen and click “Mail logs” please. Don’t forget to disable logging again afterwards.

Does your alarm require a PIN to disarm the alarm? If so, do specify that in the alarm control’s properties.

Checking the code, there’s no difference between “Enabled” and “PIN” settings except the intermediate PIN screen. so it’s not clear why nothing gets sent when not using the PIN.[/quote]

  1. I went to the alarm control and removed the PIN. Made no other changes. See “screen shot 1” attached.
  2. Enabled logging.
  3. Tried to arm alarm, to no effect.
  4. Went back into alarm control, re-entered PIN, saved configuration.
  5. Tried to arm alarm STAY, and it worked.
  6. Disarmed alarm, and it worked.
  7. Emailed logs, disabled logging.

Let me know if you need anything else.

[quote=“intveltr, post:7, topic:178044”]Can you enable logging in the settings please, then start HomeWave and disarm the alarm (without the app PIN set)? Then go to the Info screen and click “Mail logs” please. Don’t forget to disable logging again afterwards.
Does your alarm require a PIN to disarm the alarm? If so, do specify that in the alarm control’s properties.
Checking the code, there’s no difference between “Enabled” and “PIN” settings except the intermediate PIN screen. so it’s not clear why nothing gets sent when not using the PIN.[/quote]
Re-reading… I think I misunderstood. I’ll try this again. Yes, my panel requires a PIN to disarm. When you say “app PIN,” you mean the main PIN set in HomeWave’s info screen, correct? Second attempt:

  1. Enabled logging, set PIN setting to “Enabled” as in “screen shot 2” attached.
  2. Armed alarm, no app PIN required, worked fine
  3. Disarmed alarm, worked fine.
  4. Emailed logs, disabled logging.

No crash during steps in the previous post or this one.

Confusion :slight_smile:
There are two PINs involved here:

  1. The App PIN. This is the one that you set in the Info screen, and that you have to enter when going to Edit mode, or when you use a control with the interaction set to “PIN” (the other options being Disabled, Enabled, and Ask). This PIN has nothing to do with the alarm panel.

  2. The PIN you see in the Alarm control’s properties. This is the PIN that gets sent to your alarm panel whenever you issue a command to it. When you removed that PIN, your alarm panel still got the commands you tried but refused to execute them for lack of the PIN. That is why nothing happened.

So far I am seeing what I’d expect: the alarm panel reacts correctly when you specify its PIN in the alarm control in HomeWave. Would you mind trying to use the app with no App PIN, or at least with the control set to “Enabled”? I’m curious to see if the crashes still occur.

At the moment my money is on an issue with the PIN screen.

Agreed, at first…!

[quote=“intveltr, post:10, topic:178044”]There are two PINs involved here:

  1. The App PIN. This is the one that you set in the Info screen, and that you have to enter when going to Edit mode, or when you use a control with the interaction set to “PIN” (the other options being Disabled, Enabled, and Ask). This PIN has nothing to do with the alarm panel.[/quote]
    This is the problem I tried to eliminate in this post above. I changed the option to “Enabled” so that the App PIN screen wouldn’t come up. I left the PIN in the alarm control’s property screen.

Yep, makes sense. That’s what I did in the first half (steps 1, 2, and 3) in this post.

[quote=“intveltr, post:10, topic:178044”]So far I am seeing what I’d expect: the alarm panel reacts correctly when you specify its PIN in the alarm control in HomeWave. Would you mind trying to use the app with no App PIN, or at least with the control set to “Enabled”? I’m curious to see if the crashes still occur.
At the moment my money is on an issue with the PIN screen.[/quote]
Well, like I said above, that’s what I did here. No crashes. It’s not definitively the App PIN screen, but it’s right after that fourth digit is entered (when “PIN” is selected, of course) that the app crashes.

I tracked down the issue: the crash occurs of HomeWave processes a status update between making the selection on the Alarm panel control, and sending that selection to Vera. These 2 actions happen right after one another with nothing scheduled in between, unless the app is waiting for your PIN input.

This will be fixed in the next release.

Nicely done! Looking forward to it.