v1.1 Release

I have resolved the connection issues along with the crashes that a lot of users were experiencing when launching out of the box after downloading. I have made all of the functions more solid and how the widgets all behave and resolved the Nest Thermostat crash that was occurring. Also sdata is no longer attached when a email is sent to support@instruodev.com… This is all been submitted to Apple and awaiting it to be reviewed. Also I have purchased a foscam from amazon and that should be arriving next tuesday or wed. Once I have it the next v1.2 release will be supporting cameras. Please if there are any other devices people would like supported please send me the sdata using the following link and replacing ip_address with the ip_address of your vera. Also provide me with the device ID of the device that you want supported. Please review the sdata before sending as someone has pointed out that it can contain some information that you may not want to share.


Your Developer

This update is now available in the apple store. Please download it and report back!

Do I have to leave the geofence for it to work the first time? I put in everything but it didn’t turn the switch on. I figured it would since I’m currently inside the area.

Sent using Tapatalk

Yes in order for geofencing to start working you will have to exit or enter that geofence. It should then continue to work after that every time.

I’m getting kicked out of the app constantly on v1.1. Also when I did leave the area it said connection failed to the switch but I know I had the right id.

Sent using Tapatalk

Connection failed would be if your device couldn’t complete the switch communication to either turn it on or off. What is your radius set to for the geofence. Also by getting kicked out do you mean it is crashing? Send me an email at support@instruodev.com and we can work through your issues. You might need to uninstall and reinstall with v1.1 and make sure you are on you home network with the Vera when first launching. You will only need to populate in the setup the mios user, password and local IP address of the Vera. The rest will auto populate on first launch.

I think I figured out the connection failed error. I wasn’t using the Virtual Switch Plugin. I was using a different kind of “virtual” light device. It finally clicked when you kept mentioning Virtual Switch that it might be the case. I changed the device ID to the other device type and it immediately turned it on since I’m home.

I am not having the app crash as much so that’s good. But I do get stuck with it “Checking Job Status” when I click on a device which makes it larger and then try to change it’s status, both on and off. The pop-up never goes away and I have to force the app to close. Also I can turn on a device while the GUI is “zoomed out” but it won’t let me turn off the same way.

[quote=“cubs2b23, post:7, topic:180021”]I think I figured out the connection failed error. I wasn’t using the Virtual Switch Plugin. I was using a different kind of “virtual” light device. It finally clicked when you kept mentioning Virtual Switch that it might be the case. I changed the device ID to the other device type and it immediately turned it on since I’m home.

I am not having the app crash as much so that’s good. But I do get stuck with it “Checking Job Status” when I click on a device which makes it larger and then try to change it’s status, both on and off. The pop-up never goes away and I have to force the app to close. Also I can turn on a device while the GUI is “zoomed out” but it won’t let me turn off the same way.[/quote]

Can you tell me make and model if the device that is having issues with the HUD not disappearing. I know with locks it can take the HUD a little while to go away since everything is communicated with the locked encrypted. Knowing the type and model of device will help me in knowing what type if status it is waiting for and why it is continually looping and not going away.

Now that I look at which devices I’ve been using to test quickly, it appears that they are again these “virtual” light devices (urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:BinaryLight:1) that I mentioned earlier. They show up in the GUI as a standard light and I haven’t had any issues with other iOS apps handling them as such.

I’ve attached the XML files below. Let me know if there is anything else needed.

[quote=“cubs2b23, post:9, topic:180021”]Now that I look at which devices I’ve been using to test quickly, it appears that they are again these “virtual” light devices (urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:BinaryLight:1) that I mentioned earlier. They show up in the GUI as a standard light and I haven’t had any issues with other iOS apps handling them as such.

I’ve attached the XML files below. Let me know if there is anything else needed.[/quote]

Virtual light switches are not currently supported. I will add them to the list for v1.2 and may have to work with you on testing them.

Sure thing

There is an issue I am encountering if iViri is minimised whilst getting an on job status job. This resulting the screen freezing. In most cases, it will clear and release the screen; however, on on occasions it requires the app to be completely closed out.

As previously stated about VC this is a similar behaviour when functions are not completely restored.

It is worse if the device has dropped of the network or unavailable as the update takes an inordinate timeframe to release. Maybe this needs to be reconsidered as compared to ZWave device job feedback is nearly instant.

[quote=“Brientim, post:12, topic:180021”]There is an issue I am encountering if iViri is minimised whilst getting an on job status job. This resulting the screen freezing. In most cases, it will clear and release the screen; however, on on occasions it requires the app to be completely closed out.

As previously stated about VC this is a similar behaviour when functions are not completely restored.

It is worse if the device has dropped of the network or unavailable as the update takes an inordinate timeframe to release. Maybe this needs to be reconsidered as compared to ZWave device job feedback is nearly instant.


I will investigate this for v1.2… Just as an FYI zwave devices do report that status immediately, however iViri waits for the Vera to obtain that and update it’s parameters, so if you have like a scene to turn off all lights and then you fire a command to turn on a light it could take upwards to a minute to respond. With all of that said I will investigate my code to see if there is anything I am doing wrong.

[quote=“cubs2b23, post:9, topic:180021”]Now that I look at which devices I’ve been using to test quickly, it appears that they are again these “virtual” light devices (urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:BinaryLight:1) that I mentioned earlier. They show up in the GUI as a standard light and I haven’t had any issues with other iOS apps handling them as such.

I’ve attached the XML files below. Let me know if there is anything else needed.[/quote]

Can you email me so we can work on this issue? I need some more detail and need you to test some things out so this get resolved in v1.2.
