v 1.80

Opening a discussion thread for the [glow=red,2,300]V1.80[/glow] versions

Whats new

[ul][li]PollingExtra: this new checkbox in Polling parameters of the setting tab and corresponding device extra variable controls the following behavior. when selected, the device will poll iCloud twice, seperated by 4 seconds. this gives a better accuracy in tracking since iCloud allways replies with the last known position, then query the iDevices for their real position, but you will not get the answer. so iCloud allways give you the n-1 position… if you poll it twice and seperate by 4 seconds (empiric) you will get the most recent position. so it means a little bit of extra polling but a more precise position. Your milage may vary , so your choice … Note that to be smart , we could only enable that checkbox when the device is closeby, I did not do it (yet) but this could be done with PLEG for instance[/li]
[li]Display text on the UI5 dashboard slightly changed so that first line talks about polling time and next polling period, while second line gives you device location, speed and the actual time of this position as reported by iCloud. You will see that a device with the PollingExtra flag tends to have the same time in the 2 lines , while a device without the PollingExtra flag tend to have a difference of time between the 2 lines[/li]
[li]Name of selected iDevices ( the right hand side listbox ): the names are now encapsulated by the start / end pattern matching character of LUA. this avoids conflicts when you have very similar names for your iDevices in your iCloud account. this was introduced as a private v1.72 on this forum but was not in the store[/li][/ul]


[ul][li]For now this is a non-public version. it can be installed from the STORE by going to this page [url=http://forum.micasaverde.com/index.php/topic,16907.0.html]http://forum.micasaverde.com/index.php/topic,16907.0.html[/url][/li][/ul]

I ll be out for a little while so do not expect too much replies or changes this week but if you have issue you can revert to previous versions from the store.

Is it possible to change the polling period from luup or PLEG?

There should be a description on changing the polling maps with PLEG somewhere in either the big thread in this sub-forum or in the PLEG sub-forum.

[quote=“Weeves, post:2, topic:179856”]Hi,
Is it possible to change the polling period from luup or PLEG?[/quote]
All these are variables controlling polling. beware of the rules & dependencies between them though if you change them directly. for instance some like ‘DistanceMode’ only accept some specific strings and PollingMap is a strict format ( csv of dd:dd )
PollingExtra ( v1.80 )

That caveat beeing clarified, luup.variable_set() should work using the service:“urn:upnp-org:serviceId:IPhoneLocator1”
