Using Vera with Thinkflood's Redeye


I was just wondering if anyone has had any experience with getting a RedEye to play nicely with a Vera?

RedEye allows you to embed html directly on to an activity layout on your iOS device… so, maybe you could use an iframe to embed/trigger the device controls on Vera web interface from the Redeye app?..anyone?

I found this wiki page on the mi casa verde site that makes me think I can also accomplish this using http-GET requests sent by redeye to the vera controller:

Any ideas… thoughts?

You mean opening the Vera UI in an iframe? This should be possible.

Yes… the Vera UI. Is there any way I can test this out before I recommend your product to my clients, I am in the Los Angeles area and it would only take about 5 mins to actually test it. Do you have a showroom or relationships with any local vendors that would let me do a quick test?

MCVFLORIN…some news about integration with REDEYE of thinkflood ?

This might be of help/interest -

I once ordered a redeye, but I never actually got to create a plugin:,10231.msg77028.html#msg77028

I hope somebody will make a plugin, shouldn’t be too hard, but I just don’t have the time at the moment…

I realized today that it is absolutely simple to use the redeye with vera. Since it is possible to call every command on the redeye from simple HTTP post with any browser you can just use luup.inet.wget() to send commands via the redeye from any scene.

Since I only use the redeye for simple on-off commands this is absolutely enough for me, no need for a further plugin any more…

I was waiting for the day I would read this good new !!!

Because I have 2 units…and now I can use that…

well, if you show for me a little description how to…

or where can I find the manual to learn the luup language…

if you help me I have 2 units to make tests and post returning some codes…

thanks Chixxi. redeye is good device…and now is complete for uns with vera 3.

Short Redeye HowTo (for sending single IR commands):

First make sure you have learned the commands to your redeye with the according app.

  1. Look What room numbers you have on your redeye. Type the following link into any browser:
    http://ipredeye:8080/redeye/rooms/ (replace “ipredeye” with the ip of your redeye)

  2. Then look what devices you have in your room. Type the following link into any browser:
    http://ipredeye:8080/redeye/rooms/roomnumber/devices/ (replace “roomnumber” with the number of your room from step 1)

3.Then look what commands your device has. Type the following link into any browser:
http://ipredeye:8080/redeye/rooms/roomnumber/devices/devicenumber/commands/ (replace “devicenumber” with the number from the room in step 2)

  1. Then create a scene on vera with the following luup code in it:

Replace “commandnumber” with the number of the command you wish to execute in step 3.

Example: luup.inet.wget(“”)

  1. Run the scene…

It’s only a really short howto, but I hope this helps…

I have no doubt about this will runs !

thanks… I will let you know the results

[quote=“Piwtorak, post:10, topic:169523”]I have no doubt about this will runs !

thanks… I will let you know the results[/quote]

Did you manage to get it working?

This works without any problems. Let me know where you are stuck, otherwise I can’t help you…

I’m a little confused, went on the redeye website and it looks like the device is some kind of a cell phone docking charger. How does it send IR to the A/V devices in my home-theater? Like shouldn’t there be a device pointing at the A/V devices that send IR signals? How does redeye send signal from wifi to the IR devices that is what I don’t understand. Is there a blueprint on how the hardware setup looks like in the home theater?

Yes, redeye has a dock for charger iphone, ipod, etc. but this do not hampers its functionality because it shots IR signal in 360 degrees. it has a P9 slot to plug a blaster and extend and direct your signal in one specific direction.
about connection redeye comes with a wifi network active named REDEYE, you connect for this network and change the network for yours and put your password…after, some iphone connected to your wifi network is able to find redeye and access it.
the setting up of devices you will do thru the free app available in app store or play store.
you add one enviroment,
after the devices you have in this enviroment and your commands. if redeye do not have the commands for your device, you can do redeye learn the commands appointing the remote control for redeye and setting redeye in learn mode.
the app of redeye is very easy and intuitive to use.

I have redeye and SQBLASTER and I did many tests… SQBLASTER is very best option to use.

I have redeye and SQBLASTER and I did many tests... SQBLASTER is very best option to use.
I have both devices too, and I don't agree as specified in other threads in this forum, especially not if you are not an iOS user!

Sorry chixxi, are you saying the Redeye could be better than the SQ Blaster

I think in this time, not ! maybe future if has a plugin for vera3 :slight_smile:

Well, I like it bether, but I guess it is a personal opinion.,12072.0.html

analyzing technically, the absence of more IR ports and their individual control is a great point against and delay to be at the disposal of the User.
but is a personal opinion. :slight_smile:

I was in debt with Chixxi…about the tests with redeye and vera3… see below:

[quote=“chixxi, post:9, topic:169523”]Short Redeye HowTo (for sending single IR commands):

First make sure you have learned the commands to your redeye with the according app.

  1. Look What room numbers you have on your redeye. Type the following link into any browser:
    http://ipredeye:8080/redeye/rooms/ (replace “ipredeye” with the ip of your redeye)

  2. Then look what devices you have in your room. Type the following link into any browser:
    http://ipredeye:8080/redeye/rooms/roomnumber/devices/ (replace “roomnumber” with the number of your room from step 1)

3.Then look what commands your device has. Type the following link into any browser:
http://ipredeye:8080/redeye/rooms/roomnumber/devices/devicenumber/commands/ (replace “devicenumber” with the number from the room in step 2)

  1. Then create a scene on vera with the following luup code in it:

Replace “commandnumber” with the number of the command you wish to execute in step 3.

Example: luup.inet.wget(“”)

  1. Run the scene…

It’s only a really short howto, but I hope this helps…[/quote]

Yes, Chixxi, your tips are perfect !!
I have a scene in my vera3 turning off my TV thru redeye…

I’m not a luup expert, then I ask how can I put a delay between an instruction and another my scene will be turn on TV and turn on DVD…

thanks for this precious tip, I saved my redeye…now I will integrate with my vera3.