Using Vera to control FanLinc


I have a number of ceiling fans in my bedrooms which I would like to control via Vera and some kind of wall mounted solution. The only thing I came across that could do this was the FanLinc (an INSTEON device). I have successfully wired one to one rooms celling fan, but can’t seem to have it added to my Vera devices list. I have a PLM device attached to my Vera and plugged directly into the wall. I have added INSTEON option to Vera - and have the “Add Insteon Devices” option. The instructions say that hitting “Set button” on the device should add it to the list… But that hasn’t worked.

Reading over the forum I see a lot of references to Altsteon - but it looks like it not actively being developed and I can’t see what reason to install it over what comes with Vera already.

Do I need a keypadlinc to control the fan/lights or will I able to control them via Vera and some smart scenes?

So, could some one fill me in with what I should be doing to get this alll to work?

Thanks in advance,

Vera’s built in insteon support is very limited and will only support a small subset of devices. The fanlinc not being one of them. In order to have control of the fanlinc via vera you have two options:

  1. Altsteon
  2. ISY Controller and the ISY Plugin
  • Garrett

Garrett, I know from other forum posts that you have switched to an ISY for your Insteon, but do you by chance know if it functions under UI7? Or if Fanlinc devices have become supported natively?

I highly doubt much work has gone into adding more insteon support in Vera. I have not a clue what type of support if better in UI7 as I am not currently running that firmware version.

  • Garrett

I was able to add the fanlinc in UI7 but I could only control the light not the fan. I ended up going back to Altsteon, but the ISY seems like a better option if you can afford it.


Did you have any problems getting Altsteon to work in Ui7? I’ve been struggling with it…

[quote=“nasa01, post:6, topic:182528”]Joey,

Did you have any problems getting Altsteon to work in Ui7? I’ve been struggling with it…[/quote]

Yes, I had some issues. I ended up going back to UI5.